Save us all from giggling girls!
We borrowed a Bissell carpet cleaner from my SIL, and have done most of the carpeting. It looks a LOT better - probably because I went over the dog spots like a gazillion times. This should help a lot with the smells... and the cats.
Little miss Ghost peed on the plastic runner (again)... well away from any carpeting. She hasn't peed on any of the cleaned carpet, including in the hallway/entry (where she had been peeing on and off the runner), and she also has NOT peed on the new rug we put on the balcony (previous, she baptized every loose rug we own, including the bath mats). So, I think we are getting the root of the issue solved.
We're having a party Friday & Saturday (it's not really two parties - it's the same party, but some people can't make it Friday, and others Saturday), so I think I'll keep the cleaner until after, in case of spills.
I really, really wish I was STONED right now. Oh, hey... I'm going to go medicate heavily - cramps, ya know.
......** fades into nothing **......