Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member


Herbal Alchemist
Oxycodone shortage my ass!! I despise Florida, I really do! I cannot get my Oxycodone prescription filled because Publix doesn't have any, and don't know when they will. The only reason this is happening is because of the pill problem here. There is no shortage, and they are only hurting real patients, like me! Fuckers. :cuss:


vapor accessory addict
There are a lot of bullshit rules and shortages imposed by bureaucracy and misuse. Pisses me off too Vicki. I'm sorry for you and I'm sorry for patients like mvapes who desperately need pain meds and can't get them.

In his case, I think it's more the doctors' perception that it's an addiction problem for him, rather than a need for serious pain relief. Makes a person not want to be honest about their past, you know?


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL feel better and get out of pain soon. I live with mine cause pain killers cause serious issues...I live in horrific pain but have learned how to channel it. I don't meditate or any of that type of stuff but it was just a skill I learned many years ago out of need. I do always keep them in the house just in case. The doc always finds this odd cause I get a mess load of them every year and rarely take them.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Fuck Florida. The only Oxy doses that are legitimately low in stock is 15's. That's what my MIL gives me and once there was notice that they were cutting down production of that dosage they switched her to 20's and voila!

For me it fucking blows because I'm honest, once they learn that I AM a recovered drug addict than I become the enemy. "Well, we can't help you while you positive for anything illegal"

But if I tested positive for fucking pain meds that doesn't count? It doesn't matter that I try to be honest with the doctor and explain that I respectfully vaporize in my own fucking home to stop the side effects of a disease i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy! But because I smoke pot I'm a fucking drug addict right? Well fuck you - 21 states decided NOT to make the people in need suffer! Wake up - is there anyone fucking home?

Today duke power shut off my electricity BY FUCKING ACCIDENT! They were supposed to turn off the neighbors who moved! When I ran outside to chase the truck down in my fucking underwear you know what. I was embarrassed because I fucking fell. When I was getting up I explained that this has got to be a mistake! I was calling the Duke on my cell while that prick waited. I begged and pleaded - I even told him that I have a 1 year old and he was making a grave mistake. His exact words "sorry dude, I got 50 more to shut off" and away he went.

My power didn't come back on till 3 pm.

Sorry if my mood is shitty today - keep throwing them curveballs at me! Eventually someone has to throw me a good pitch. And when I hit it - it's going to leave dust. I promise.

My purpose on this planet is much more than this disease! That is what I tell myself every single fucking morning when I get out of bed.


Herbal Alchemist
Fuck Florida. The only Oxy doses that are legitimately low in stock is 15's. That's what my MIL gives me and once there was notice that they were cutting down production of that dosage they switched her to 20's and voila!

For me it fucking blows because I'm honest, once they learn that I AM a recovered drug addict than I become the enemy. "Well, we can't help you while you positive for anything illegal"

But if I tested positive for fucking pain meds that doesn't count? It doesn't matter that I try to be honest with the doctor and explain that I respectfully vaporize in my own fucking home to stop the side effects of a disease i wouldn't wish on my worst enemy! But because I smoke pot I'm a fucking drug addict right? Well fuck you - 21 states decided NOT to make the people in need suffer! Wake up - is there anyone fucking home?

Today duke power shut off my electricity BY FUCKING ACCIDENT! They were supposed to turn off the neighbors who moved! When I ran outside to chase the truck down in my fucking underwear you know what. I was embarrassed because I fucking fell. When I was getting up I explained that this has got to be a mistake! I was calling the Duke on my cell while that prick waited. I begged and pleaded - I even told him that I have a 1 year old and he was making a grave mistake. His exact words "sorry dude, I got 50 more to shut off" and away he went.

My power didn't come back on till 3 pm.

Sorry if my mood is shitty today - keep throwing them curveballs at me! Eventually someone has to throw me a good pitch. And when I hit it - it's going to leave dust. I promise.

My purpose on this planet is much more than this disease! That is what I tell myself every single fucking morning when I get out of bed.

Duke Energy are big fat pricks. You should call Channel 9!


Well-Known Member
Fuck Florida.
Is that accursed land going to break off the continent like a serpent-tail and slither into the ocean? Can I despise Florida too, or is that right reserved for residents? Creeps me out all I've been hearing about it.


This guy seems like the the anti-St. Patrick making the place even more serpentine...


...and what's up with those expressions?



Edit: I might start an underground railroad of sorts to help get you guys out... seriously. Weird shit. Lemme know if you need help w/ safe passage and a safe landing - this country's too big to be stuck w/ all that nonsense.
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