Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Vapor Sloth

I'm sorry I cannot see you through this wall of weed.

Ohhh are we really going to start this? :brow: ok I'll play. Nice "garnish" you have there B . . . :D

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well-worn member
Can't we just agree that we both have way MOAR than Tweek? Plus, Bushes are just as taunting as half nugs, can't smoke a wet bush..... as pretty as it is.

My toaster oven has a "dehydration" setting just for instances like this!

Yes, yes...I will never know the joys of being able to stick my face into pounds of herb...but I can live vicariously through you rascals.

Maybe someday, never give up hope! :rockon:


Oil Painter
Hey, B... don't make back-to-back posts. If you think of something else to say, use the "Edit" link at the bottom of your post, and just add it in.

I've reported your extra posting for you. If you should do this in the future, do your edits, then report your extraneous post so the mods can eliminate it.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
This is the PD thread so why can't he Mistress E now I am scared damn...should I get on my knees...wait a fuckin' minute I got the :whip:....

EDIT: For Slave E....E is for edit in all threads cept here now get down and lick my boots.

(We'll call him B)

Well-Known Member
Hey, B... don't make back-to-back posts. If you think of something else to say, use the "Edit" link at the bottom of your post, and just add it in.

I've reported your extra posting for you. If you should do this in the future, do your edits, then report your extraneous post so the mods can eliminate it.
I don't understand reported?
Oh, now I get it.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
She reported your ass for being a jackass lol. There is a report button on the bottom of every post...if you double post in other threads it is very frowned upon and well we don't like it here either as it can be annoying. We do do back to back posts here sometimes just to be annoying. Anyhow if you want to write more press edit and add it to your post...if you fuck up report yourself and the mods will merge them. If you are lucky you will be nicely :whip:.


Space is the Place
So, I tried to break one of my toes today... plus bruised two others. I have iced them, rubbed them lovingly with Arnica gel, mmj cream, and reiki. It hurts, but I think it's just badly bruised.

Oh, so I'm medicated. Oh, yes. :freak:

Better luck next time . At least you tried !


hope they get well soon , Before you try again .
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vapor accessory addict
Hey, B... don't make back-to-back posts. If you think of something else to say, use the "Edit" link at the bottom of your post, and just add it in.

I've reported your extra posting for you. If you should do this in the future, do your edits, then report your extraneous post so the mods can eliminate it.
Tee hee...... I went to bed early last night and you made vtac come in here...... :dog:


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I'm telling my dr he has to see me today. I feel like I got run over by a truck in my sleep. Very little function and strength in my legs. I am out of pain killers and today may just blow. This is a fucked up world we live where I have to wait for my meds.


vapor accessory addict
I'm telling my dr he has to see me today. I feel like I got run over by a truck in my sleep. Very little function and strength in my legs. I am out of pain killers and today may just blow. This is a fucked up world we live where I have to wait for my meds.
Unfortunately, in many medical situations, you need to be a strong advocate for your own care. I cannot understand why your doctor hasn't prescribed physical and occupational therapy for you, in addition to addressing your pain needs. I realize that Florida is one of those states that drug test for narcotics, but damn..... There has to be a way around this. Are the pain management clinics the only ones who can prescribe pain killers in Florida?

I would start looking for other doctors if yours wont proactively help you mvapes.


Recovering Idealist
Unfortunately, in many medical situations, you need to be a strong advocate for your own care. I cannot understand why your doctor hasn't prescribed physical and occupational therapy for you, in addition to addressing your pain needs. I realize that Florida is one of those states that drug test for narcotics, but damn..... There has to be a way around this. Are the pain management clinics the only ones who can prescribe pain killers in Florida?

I would start looking for other doctors if yours wont proactively help you mvapes.
I'll second what mom says here. When I was helping my mom when she had cancer, I definitely learned how much you need to advocate for yourself. She's a tough lady and took shit from nobody. This is your health, not the doctors. He's not the one who wakes up stiff and in pain...well, he might wake up stiff but that's different. But seriously, if your doctor isn't meeting your needs, let him know what they are in stronger terms or find a new doc.

I don't know if you do already but another thing I learned from both my own medical experiences and my mom's is to try to bring someone with you to see the doctor. There is a lot to remember and it's a very emotional situation. I always have found it to help to have another person to ask questions and remember things I might not have. :2c:

Also, I hope your doctor isn't jewish he might be hard to get a hold of today...unless you go to the same synagogue.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Going to see the doctor next week. He said he CANNOT offer physical therapy until the meds are straight and he could at least alleviate my pain.

He said what I'm suffering with is called Bradykinesia.

Bradykinesia is one of the early signs of an illness or movement disorder such as Parkinson’s or Parkinsonism. It is caused by reduced levels of dopamine in the brain and is often noticed by family and friends before the individual becomes aware of it them self.

The reduced quality of movement is a sign of Parkinson’s rather than a symptom brought on by the illness. A doctor or neurologist who is presented with bradykinesia may well suspect that a person has Parkinson’s (other key signs are rigidity and tremor).

Bradykinesia can affect one limb, one side of the body, or the whole body which can result in an unnatural stillness. It tends to be unpredictable from one moment to another often causing frustration as good movement can rapidly be followed by poor quality of movement.

As movements become slower and more difficult, the person tends to move less so mobility decreases and this can aggravate the situation. Reduced co-ordination (and, surprisingly, increased muscle tone) can be a contributory factor to bradykinesia. Walking may become shuffled and slow, or steps can become very quick and precipitous as if falling forward (called festination). Turning could become increasingly difficult or you might feel ‘stuck’ to the ground.

The strength of the muscle does not decline; muscles just react more slowly and tend to become rather sore and at times can be enormously painful to the patient. Spontaneous or automatic movements may have to be made consciously, for example to clear the throat, blink, swallow or change position. Movements requiring fine motor skills, such as tying shoelaces or doing up buttons, might become increasingly difficult and the face is often affected, resulting in reduced expressiveness. This creates a ‘mask’ like face with limited blinking. Swallowing, digestion and bowel movements can also become slower.

The terms akinesia and hypokinesia are often used in relation to bradykinesia but these terms should be clarified: akinesia means a loss of movement, for example lack of facial expression or inability to roll over in bed, whereas hypokinesia refers to the fact that movements are reduced in scale, such as the small handwriting (micrographia) or soft voice (hypophonia) associated with Parkinson’s. It is possible to experience all conditions.
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