Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
BTW, that is fucking awesome. I think I still want that.


vapor accessory addict
Lol...... oh hon..... I just knew it.

Me? I want to party like it's 1999. :p I just watched AC/DC again and I've got to tell you, I've got happy feet and have been head banging.

I feel it might be agonizing reappraisal in the morning..... not from the evening's imbibing, but more from the raucous jumping around I've been doing. Lord have mercy.....

Edit: I type too damn slow. I didn't see that last post... I swear it isn't mine.

Edit II: Upon further reflection upon that pic, they would really have something there if they added a few "features" to that vape.... I'm just saying....:D

What? :shrug:


Well-Known Member
here we fucking go,
'we are but grains of sand upon the great beach that is the universe' is coming next.
Then some 'Kumbayah', followed by a reacharound & some hugs?

Ima dabbing ATM, & I havent found fucking buddah. WTF??

MOM- goddamn double post! again??
You obviously cant be trusted to spank yourself!
Now remember, this is going to hurt you much more than its going to hurt me.

(Think of Canada or something)


As long as I dont pinch your nipples, its still punishment.
try not to look like you like it or everyone will want some.


vapor accessory addict

Thank God you came along because I'm especially verbose tonight and was about to edit my damn post a 3rd time. And hey.... I edited my ass off there!

But you know what? Perhaps I actually could use a spanking. Where's my damn husband when I need him? :\ Fucking college foot ball.


Well-Known Member
so where the fuck is everyone tonight? :ninja:


lol... Angus still has some pretty cute knees....
When I first started smoking at age 14, I listened to that song over and over. "Fire" and the cannon seemed to slow down forever. That and Stairway to Heaven with medieval royal flutists behind closed eyes.

What else from that particular period...

BOC - Fire of an Unknown Origin
J Geils - Freeze Frame
Rolling Stones - Tattoo You

hmmm... others too, but those pop into mind that December.

I only smoked for a month then quit until I was 17 for certain reasons.


Well-Known Member
mrs dorkus just got lucky!

therefore by default, me too!!:clap:

Id like to thank God, (my)Mom of course, the guy with one eye & especially the ball boys.
Well done lads, I like to think of us all as a team.
Its not all about the guy at the head of the shaft doing the deep tunnelling that gets all the glory.
Its the guys left outside, constantly banging away on the entrance that deserve the praise as well!

Well done lads!
we hit a screamer!
and now its beers and smoky marinade chicken for the rest of the arvo!

take a load off! :rockon:
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