Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


vapor accessory addict
Beyond the sadness I feel while reading your post, mvapes, I am encouraged that you are researching the way you are. I'm also glad that you can get into your doctor in a "somewhat" timely manner.

But I know the next week, while waiting, is going to be difficult. Keep fighting the fight hon. :luv:


Space is the Place
:tup: good deal mvapes . At least you got something for pain . Its a bitch even to think about starting PT if you fuckin' hurt and don't wanna move nomatter what . At least your turning it into a learning experience (like with what you shared above) as long as you keep pressing the doctors with Questions and don't just let 'em talk down to you . You'll get the proper treatment only if you push for it .
Stay strong and do a couple huge oil hits for me . I ain't seen that shit since the '80s .


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I see my doctor next week. T-dub was right, sometimes you have to hear "this is the disease moving through your system and unfortunately there's not much we can do!"

I breaks my heart to come to grips with the fact that I am just moving to the next stage!


I'll be back later - I need to go fucking dump these feelings!


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I hope this will help you or not as I am stuck in stage one and two lol. Getting something like you have is a loss...loss of your body and sometimes. like in my case, fucks with your mind....It is no different then a death so you have to go through the five stages if bereavement. Everyone takes a different amount of time and unfortunately there is nothing you can do about it but I thinking knowing that sometimes helps. Those fuck face doctors will never tell you that you are in mourning.


Well-Known Member
I see my doctor next week. T-dub was right, sometimes you have to hear "this is the disease moving through your system and unfortunately there's not much we can do!"

I breaks my heart to come to grips with the fact that I am just moving to the next stage!


I'll be back later - I need to go fucking dump these feelings!

A doctor can tell you what is typical or statistically the norm, but you don't know what tomorrow will bring. You can find yourself slipping through all kinds of tight cracks when you hope for the best and don't give into fears of the worst. I know you just want commiseration, but it sounds like you're letting yourself think too much that you are just a statistic or an average case in your doctor's file. Doctors usually love to know it all and be proven right - don't just play into their expectations. You nay not want to hear hopefulness, but you need some alternative to that kind of grim doctor talk. I'm a broken record on this topic, but when people close to me have listened to me instead of their doctor, I have a good track record of being proven right (more than once, BTW... don't give in to walking dark clouds with fancy diplomas - I think they're instructed not to give too much hope... they could be sued for doing that after all). Maybe PM the guy new guy talking Qigong, seriously. I'd be trying all sorts of shit like that. Or Reiki, anything to get the energy moving more smoothly.


well-worn member
Try and stay strong mvapes, easier said than done I know but I sure hope "everything comes out alright" when you dump those feelings!




Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I just did 1 or 13 dabs or so. I'm fucking melting but my brain is on point! I feel like Jello sitting here.

Hung out last night with OG Cook - he got me so high I believe I ate what rivaled Thanksgiving dinner at about midnight.

So it's rosh Hashanah for us Jews. The Jewish New Year, kind of a big deal.

I hope everyone grabs a Jew and parties like its 1 Tishrei 5774!

If not, blow my Shofar baby!

For my Jewish Brethren...

shana tovah u'metukah


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I find my balance is the hurt I feel within myself. It truly makes me feel better to make you guy's laugh. I enjoy helping others, call me crazy but it's my wiring.

As far as the picture above, I hold it close to my heart that my grandfather, along with thousands of others had the opportunity to send that piece of shit and his army of termites back where they belong!

Oh wait - hitler was a dick too, I was talking about Apple.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker

Geez, this makes me think of Dreamerr! WTF are you doing with your avatars? They went from funny to a borderline (ship) level of batshit crazy.

Please vape! Or do something light like acid, or dmt or something.....

It took LOTS of dabs to get me feeling somewhat numb today.

Damn I miss him....yes, in a gay way....


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
A dab is like swallowing a hot fucking coal but the euphoric effect makes it worth it. I would sooner blow a goat with his dinkie wrapped in barbed wire if his load tasted like fucking gooey candy and fucked me up like .3 dab straight to the head.

Oh and Sat - don't take offense to me not liking your post. But on the Jewish New Year and couldn't possibly betray my peeps and like a pic with the fucking devil in it.

I love the post brother, way to hit home.


Well-Known Member
Oh and Sat - don't take offense to me not liking your post. But on the Jewish New Year and couldn't possibly betray my peeps and like a pic with the fucking devil in it.

I love the post brother, way to hit home.
Hey, a love is better than a Like anyway.

If I had to dodge every Jewish holiday when a good Hitler meme came along... where would I be then? But seriously - not meant to offend. Making fun of Hitler has been an American tradition since... well, at least Hogan's Heroes. Seems I remember a good Charlie Chaplin movie too even way before then. Good to openly ridicule, though some cultures making him a little too cartoonish and cuddly (won't mention any particulars).

I had two uncles fight in the war. One saw major action all the way up through Europe.

Glad you took in the spirit intended - benefit of the doubt and all.
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