Fuck. FUCK. Fuckity fuckity fuck fuck.
I hurt. wow. and I'm exhausted. *whine*
Today we are moving the kitchen stuff. Cats are getting really stressed, they get moved tomorrow, same day as our bed - tomorrow we'll start sleeping at the apartment, so the kitties will be there with us, as we wouldn't make them sleep alone. Well, okay, we really don't expect ANY sleep for a couple of days, anyway.
***************end of whining***************
So, I took the NO2 to the apartment yesterday, along with some herb in a Jyarz, and an empty Jyarz for ABV. Toked up several times. Oh, and dumps have occurred there, too. Plumbing works.
******** really, end of moving story *********
Hey gang, it's the weekend!

There's MMJ farmer's market today, some sort of party this evening, and it's also Lammas... so, we're supposed to get together with some friends and do ritual.
Yeah, okay, I'm a one-trick pony today. Moving is seriously all-encompassing.
Love you.