Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
I almost made it with a girl who loved this song. In 1982. Almost doesn't hack it though. I was hopped up on No-Doz. Kissed her while on a family vacation, and then we were caught by the groundskeeper next to the ski lift (a hokey little resort) ... and that was that :(

I'm glad this guy had the time to put this vid together, but does he have to force us to see his face in the corner?

BTW, those girls are not nearly freaky enough, dude. Sports Illustrated is not Super Freak material (not that I'm complaining :haw:).

That girl is pretty wild now
(The girl's a super freak)
The kind of girl you read about
(In new-wave magazines)
She's a very special girl
(The kind of girl you want to know)
From her head down to her toenails
(Down to her feet, yeah)
That girl is pretty kinky
(The girl's a super freak)
I really love to taste her
(Every time we meet)


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
MLUV how are you today....I hope you get your freak on as was suggested for all of us to do.

Lady E, I hope you don't get to stressed with your new home. Moving is a bitch and a half...

George Carlin is one of my fav comedians and the stuff bit was priceless. I am silly so I like no blue food.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
So far it's all going well.....



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Yep been gone since yesterday...I have dish...I am getting a by pass will have it I think by tues was mailed. Les is a money hungry asshole and his wife is no better. FREE networks shouldn't charge at all to cable companies. Put up an antenna and you can get your locals anyhow what fuckheads. I think that is what the by pass is going to do but I have no idea. I hope you called the number to complain like you were suppose to if not call tomorrow and tell them there prices are crazy high for a FREE network. Raycom 334-206-1400 They will have your local affiliate call you or not but at least you larged your complaint or unhappiness. I hope none of the cable companies pay them there rape charges.


Oil Painter
Fuck. FUCK. Fuckity fuckity fuck fuck.

I hurt. wow. and I'm exhausted. *whine*

Today we are moving the kitchen stuff. Cats are getting really stressed, they get moved tomorrow, same day as our bed - tomorrow we'll start sleeping at the apartment, so the kitties will be there with us, as we wouldn't make them sleep alone. Well, okay, we really don't expect ANY sleep for a couple of days, anyway.

***************end of whining***************

So, I took the NO2 to the apartment yesterday, along with some herb in a Jyarz, and an empty Jyarz for ABV. Toked up several times. Oh, and dumps have occurred there, too. Plumbing works. :tup:

******** really, end of moving story *********

Hey gang, it's the weekend! :)
There's MMJ farmer's market today, some sort of party this evening, and it's also Lammas... so, we're supposed to get together with some friends and do ritual.

Yeah, okay, I'm a one-trick pony today. Moving is seriously all-encompassing.

Love you.


Bob Loblaw

Did you see, another member called themselves teedub? Whats next, bob lablah?
lol, that cracked me up...
i had colie glass pm'ing me about giving up my name to him. couldn't give up my cultivated character (name or not ;))

if they're smart they'll use Dablaw or Globlaw as a surname, that'd reaaaally irk me ;)


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
I ever tell you guy's how I came up with mvapes?

I know you enough to tell you all my name, its M$%@*#@ R*$$. So as you could see my initials for my first and middle name are MR. It was supposed to MRvapes but I was quite stoned and drunk the night I joined that I fucked up the spelling!

I never thought I'd be around long enough that I should bother changing it. But, coming up on 4 years I guess I was wrong.
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