Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Well-Known Member
lwien, I gave you back yours a while ago didn't I.

No. You gave me back my whips, canes, enema bags, sounds, latex gloves, lube, rubber sheets and a whole slue of other stuff that I lent you out for your party, but you didn't give me back my fraking cuffs. What good are any of those things that you gave back to me without those cuffs? It's kinda like giving me back my car but keeping the keys. :disgust:
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vapor accessory addict
Oh lwien, I had no idea you felt this way...... it was an honest mistake after all. :ugh:

Please forgive me. I'll just have to make it up to you next time we see each other. I have a new toy I think you'll like very, very much.... :brow:

but in the meantime, what you are all failing to see is that I have the damn cuffs and was wondering which one of you freaks they belonged to. :lol:


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Calm down? Are we forgetting how much I must have used to get the mother fucker THAT sticky? We're plenty calm, but we're also plenty hungry....

*EDIT* got it! Whew, and all it took was ISO, hot water, my torch, two feet of chain, a quarter pound of boar's head boiled ham, a sledge hammer, 2 screwdrivers, a snorkel, 4 pieces of marshmallow, a pound of peanut butter....
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Well-Known Member

Just came by to lurk and make sure you were all still doing ok. Dreamerr...I didn't want to take the focus away from my buddy Mvapes, which is why I snuck off...not to mention, I will be back to haunt all your dreams. I am not going away forever.

Like MoM mentioned...I just need some time to dedicate to my business....it's what helps pay for this internet thing ;)

Glad you are all doing well. Mvapes, I am proud of ya.

I will see you all soon...much love--Tweek

Edit: And don't feel like I abandoned ya...I have a spidey sense for when I need to get back here and lend a shoulder ;)


Well-Known Member
Tweeks new business venture. Dont they get a surprise when julia on the cover doesnt look anything like the hairy as all fucking jeebus MALE julia show on the webcam.



I reckon the capital expense of a packet of razors would contribute to the bottom line via flow on income streams, eg Tweeks fur sales, or just a higher customer base because you dont look like a fucking sasquatch. Mind you tho, you do then risk alienating the sasquatch pervs, so it is a delicate balancing act of a business model.

Good luck with it all. :tup:


Well-Known Member
I just had to come back and address Molorkus's suggestion...

I am sorry mate, but I can't sell any of my loose hairs...you want to know why? Cause I've been saving them, and slowly knitting them into a pair of one piece pyjamas...just for you.

It was supposed to be a surprise...but you ruined it, ya bastard.:spliff:

Tweek Out. :rockon:


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Tweek good luck and I am only a PM away...fuck mvapes he don't need sooooooooooooooooooooooo much attention...luv ya mshakey bakey.

I am medicating right now cause I just lost my mind...yes I was out of the house and my fuckin' vape died. I didn't have a backup. I didn't know I didn't have enough sessions left and was out longer then I thought cause the supermaket or the kid was to slow. I am going to be ok soon...Am I stutter typing cause I am stuttering oh my.

Ok back to the show...mfucker what how the heck are ya today? What special thing did you do with the wife or kids? You have to do one thing for each of them every day...why you say cause I said so. It can be as simple as a big hug and I love you. Keep up the great work mister.

Dorkus, when the hell do you get out of jail so you can come back and play with your perverted ass. Hurry damn it.


Oil Painter
First load to the apartment... did walk through with landlady, took lots of photos - I think it's pretty good.

Did most of blessing ceremony.

Just spent damn near an hour getting comcast to set up switching our service to our new address. mutha-fucken-incompetent-lousy customer service... and, we'll have to call them on Tuesday to cancel the phone service, because, while they can ADD every single service they offer when you move, they cannot remove one? really?

USPS was pretty easy, though.

Damn, I'm exhausted. I'll be shuffling off soon. I owe my hubby a BJ, too... maybe in the morning.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
Tweek good luck and I am only a PM away...fuck mvapes he don't need sooooooooooooooooooooooo much attention...luv ya mshakey bakey.

I am medicating right now cause I just lost my mind...yes I was out of the house and my fuckin' vape died. I didn't have a backup. I didn't know I didn't have enough sessions left and was out longer then I thought cause the supermaket or the kid was to slow. I am going to be ok soon...Am I stutter typing cause I am stuttering oh my.

Ok back to the show...mfucker what how the heck are ya today? What special thing did you do with the wife or kids? You have to do one thing for each of them every day...why you say cause I said so. It can be as simple as a big hug and I love you. Keep up the great work mister.

Dorkus, when the hell do you get out of jail so you can come back and play with your perverted ass. Hurry damn it.

Hey - why beat up the chubby Jewish kid with the shakes and a bloody nose? If I am "mfucker" I'll have you know that I am doing thing with my wife and kids everyday. Tonight is the first time in like forever that we were able to arrange a night by ourselves. I miss spending time with my wife, before the kids and all the madness that came along Jess was truly my best friend.

Without my lies and bullshit while using we have been getting along great. It's almost like an old spark has been rekindled. I very much look forward to my evening with my beautiful lady.


Oil Painter
Moving, second day. Oh, and it's my birthday. 53, but don't tell anyone, I don't look my age. This morning, I think I look about 80. I'm tired and ohmygodz I'm sore.

Why the FUCK do we have so much stuff? This is insane.

mvapes, honey, I'm here for you. I'm also here for everyone else, but that doesn't take from caring about you and your journey. I'm so glad to hear that you and your sweet wife have rediscovered your deep connection. That is the most important thing there is.



Well-Known Member
Why the FUCK do we have so much stuff? This is insane.

LOL. I know. The only time I realize how much stuff I accumulated is when I move. It's only then that I throw out or give away most of it only to find out, much later on, that when I move again, the stuff returned. Well, not the same stuff, but different stuff.

Talk about stuff, here's some iconic stuff.

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