Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!

Bob Loblaw

figured that one'd score some decent points with the ladies.
you can tell how much that artist drawing in the end video loves georgia o'keeffe ;)

and now to take some points back...

i've heard a few things, not saying they are true, just sayin' ;P


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I thought Georgia O'Keeffe right away but was to lazy to find a photo cause I would have been OCD about which one to choose. I was not happy about putting up the vid that if you wanted to watch it you had to go to a certain spot but I knew I would go nuts finding one and stopped myself.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
6 Days guys! 6 days with no snowy conditions!

G-d, grant me the serenity
to accept the thing I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference....

Let's do this!

I have to go back to the facility for a group meeting this morning. Today we are attempting to work out a good outpatient plan. If you guy's don't hear from me or my wife by 2 then odds are their holding me against my will. If this happens, Mom - give Ship the name of the place where I am and have him go dark. He'll understand his mission!

I can do this guy's! Talk to you all in a few hours!


Well-Known Member
As an eye-talian...I am good at the following:

1) Lovemaking (or at least pretending)
2) Cooking
3) Eating
4) Drinking
5) All manner of manual labor
6) Getting into altercations
7) Growing tomatoes.

I know there is more, but after installing that shower head, I am too tired to think.
You know you are out of shape, when installing a new shower head leaves you out of breath...:doh:

Edit: To be fair to myself, it was rusted on pretty tight. :lol:
If you're good at carpentry I could use some help installing the Glory-Hole I got for my birthday.
I would try it myself but a Glory-Hole is NOT something you want to install backwards.

mvapes said:
6 Days guys! 6 days with no snowy conditions!

G-d, grant me the serenity
to accept the thing I cannot change
the courage to change the things I can
and the wisdom to know the difference....

Let's do this!

I have to go back to the facility for a group meeting this morning. Today we are attempting to work out a good outpatient plan. If you guy's don't hear from me or my wife by 2 then odds are their holding me against my will. If this happens, Mom - give Ship the name of the place where I am and have him go dark. He'll understand his mission!

I can do this guy's! Talk to you all in a few hours!
I'm glad things are working out for ya Bro,I told ya you were tough enough! But a group meeting to work out an outpatient plan? Really? Let me save you a couple hours,here's your outpatient plan...DONT DO FUCKING COKE ANYMORE!
Sometimes the best answers are the simplest answers.:tup: Now go home and stay straight,we have work to do.
Wow! I just blew past my 1000th. post! :party:
1000 posts with absolutely zero useful or intelligent content,that takes skill folks,thanks for putting up with my BS.
Now where do I turn in my rookie card and when do I get the key to the executive bathroom?



Space is the Place
Guess who's out bitches? Well, kind of - 5 groups a week, 2 drug tests, a shrink, a therapist and partridge in a fucking pear tree!

Good deal mvapes . Calls for a celebration :clap::party::spliff:. then the real work starts .

Hey, I gotta question. How do you know if you're delusional.:shrug:
you ask a bunch of self professed crazy people a Question about mental health ?
or you think that fine fine 19 year old girl next door wants you .
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