Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
lwein - I'm going to write down what the voices in my head say to me. I'll email it to you, if you reply that you understand than you should most likely admit yourself into a local clinic...

My vote for a motto for our twisted little thread,

And if Dreamerr wants to drag poetry into this,
"Roses are red,
Nuts are round,
Skirts are up,
Panties are down.
Belly to belly,
Skin to skin,
When we're wet and stiff,
Slide it in!

Lastly,for my reborn brother TOTALY inappropriate joke about hard drugs,just to piss him off.:evil:

A speedfreak is out walking one fine evening. He finds a poor person on the street and helps him up. The poor person says, "Son, I'm a genie. And since you helped me I'll give you three wishes."

The speedfreak says, "I want a big bag of meth!", the genie says."Okay." POOF, the bag appears! They prepare some thick long white lines and share it between the two of them.

The next morning the genie asks "What's the second wish?", "I want two big bags of meth", says the speedfreak. "Okay," says the genie. POOF! And they prepare it and snort it between the two of them.

The next morning the genie asks "And the third wish?" "I want four big bags of meth!" POOOF!! So, they prepare lots of big lines and share it between the two of them.

Much later the genie gets up and says, "Okay, it's time for me to go." The genie takes a couple of steps, pauses, turns around and says, "Okay, just one more wish."


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I like the dark haired girl she makes me laugh on that show raising hope. Bob you are going to get me into trouble because when you put up "bad" I mean good stuff I send it to my sexually repressed friend. She didn't even comment about the article and she called me this morning lmfao.


Well-Known Member
You could just sell them to the fine,sophisticated native people of Austrailia.

those fuckers are from PNG ( I hear theys still eats people in some parts.)
a turkey slap from those guys will knock yr teeth out.
My cock has a helmet & its mahogany!
Now come here & give it a polish!

totally different country not too far to our north. (Can you say Google earth?)

Its like saying that stinky Hey Zeus guy with the burrito farts is a native canadian.

Hey Tweek, I didnt know you were italian??

Is the reason why Italy is shaped like a big boot,
is because god couldnt fit that much shit in a shoe?


Oil Painter
We are looking at an apartment tomorrow... pretty excited, if it's acceptable, it's a very affordable rent, and I'll be able to STROLL to work. No more 112 fucking mile commute.

I might be moving SOON.

Right now, I have a bit of a head on, bubba kush bubble hash off my quartz nail... that works pretty spiffy. I need to get more bubble hash.
My stupid "CO2 Oil pen" is a piece of crap. I'm gonna drain the rest of the oil/PG blend out and use it in my VIP2. The oil seems to work okay, but the epen thing is one of those mega cheap chinese ecigs.

I also have a sore throat. Sigh. I do NOT want to get sick right now. Okay, I really never do want to get sick, except when my alarm goes off in the morning - I always stop and consider if I could call in sick. I have tomorrow off work ANYWAY.

Mvapes, my good friend, I am so glad you are now outpatient! Glad to hear that they know you are basically good people, and that you NEED your WEED. And, some of us NEED your BHO extractor reviews. :D

Never had a doubt Brother,(well that's a slight lie but still...). It's gotta be tough to live in the cocaine capitol of America,but I have faith in ya,we all do. But know this,if you slip up and try to hide it we will fly down and take turns sodomising you back into sobriety.
Except Tweek,you don't want to know what he's planning. But Dorkas promises a reach-around so it won't be ALL bad.:evil:
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