Fuck the Parkinson's, the Dr just gave me a reason to smoke MORE!


Herbal Alchemist
What the FUCK! I just went into my LHS and guess what? They are now just a shirt shop as Florida passed the law banning any retail of glass, vaporizers, cleaners, let alone anything else having to do with or facilitate smoking!

I thought were trying to pass MMJ laws here and know this?


I heard they passed this law, but haven't checked to see if any of my local places are closed yet. They probably are....


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
The sad thing is, many lawmakers see medical cannabis as a way to further restrict anyone from having it. This typically involves coming up with some jargon laden stacks of paper that no mere layman could possibly hope to understand, much less adhere to.

This is why legalization is the only way forward.

I agree, I just spoke to a friend who said this action is very common in states going medical. It help the government wipe out any competition as they will be governing those sales soon. I also think the LHS is taking it too far as I have read the law.

This is the link - I can't fucking believe this dbag from St Pete called pot paraphernalia "utensils of death"



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Florida is the arm pit of hell. My parents keep begging me to move there under the guise that they will take care of me. I laugh and say I will assume you intend to but you won't so there is no purpose for me to live where the weather will kill me and can't vape not that I am in a state that is nice cause it is the other arm pit of hell. In the mean while here is my morning contribution.

Mvapes we will send ya what every you want. I hope Florida doesn't get like PA and not even let people ship to you from companies.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Mom, how is your recovery and PT going? I hope the goons are treating you right and not business as usual. My kid comes home from camp Sat wooNOThoo lol. School starts next Friday so at least he will not be home 24/7. Maybe he matured and will actually help out around here or I may have to, you guessed it, killllllllllllllllllll


vapor accessory addict
I'm doing lots better, thanks, Dreamrr. My goons are all grown up and out of the house now. This is one mom that cherishes her empty nest! :party:

But, Tweeks got it. There's a whole lot of :shit: happening here. My dog, who is insanely attached to me, has had somewhat of a nervous breakdown over my hospitalization and recovery and started to poop in the house. WTF?!? :nope: So as cute as Vicki's dog is, I just have to say that after thinking this over carefully, I really have to say that this thread doesn't need any average good dog as it's mascot. It needs a special kind of dog. A dog as neurotic as the people who post here. I nominate my little shithead.... I mean sweetheart, Cosmo as mascot. He knows his poop. :nod:



Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
Does that mean I gotta put my doggie pics up? If all your dogs are good and trained you can send them over here. I can never get enough dog love.

Mom the goons should still help you but empty nest is so nice. I had my kid late in life but of course didn't expect to be crippled but it is now challenging. Three more years is all I have to say. As kids go he is a really good kid but he is not so thoughtful about my needs.

Your dog is being normal from the abandonment as he/she sees it. It takes some time and patience to get the dog back to normal.

I was just looking and I couldn't even pick the cutest doggie cause they are alllllllllllllll so beautiful.


Oil Painter
I have TWO cats. :)

Hey, I stopped at my LHS, and scored a lovely domeless quartz castle/nail, a cheap torch, and good butane. Yes, I've tried it. Not video worthy yet, but DAAAAAAA-AAAAAAAMN, I think I'm gonna like this.

Oh, and my hubby found an "Emerald Ticket" in a medible, and took it in today - he scored a free 1/8 (weighed heavy, no less!), and I mentioned it was "710" day... and was presented with a free GRAM of Oil!

I gotta get a Lotto ticket...
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