My husband just reminded me that I have "boyfriends" to attend to. I keep telling him you guys are my vapor daddies.

And gals.
Dorkus.... Soooooo two dogs; right? Cute as hell; those babies. And why am I not surprised that you have two big dogs that poop huge piles?

Ah Dreamrr. The eternal dream. You'll have kids, they'll take care of you in your old age. What horse shit. I asked my son 4 days ago if I could "indian give" the 18mm - 14mm adaptor I gave him because mine broke and I'm hacking up a lung. Do you think he remembered? Here I'm laid up and that's all I've asked......
Enchantre, you are starting to piss me off with your grower's market and your oil (none of which I have available to me...). So you enjoy that oil. And know that somewhere, out in the world, there is someone who wishes that she had oil too. Someone who could really benefit from that oil.
Okay... yes... I've been drinking. What? Then dorkus stopped by and crashed the party. But my husband and I knew just what to do with him!