@mr_cfromcali is there some kind of list we can sign up to be on to receive updates on batch 3?
@Sn4Pz and others, I am here with some timely updates
Flite: Flite batch #3 will be posted for sale in
the Fluxer store tomorrow: Monday, January 25, at 10 am Pacific time (GMT-8).
This batch will have ~18 heaters in these colors: black, gun metal, red, blue, dark green (but not the even darker hunter green), light green, and gold. Hunter green is currently sold out, sorry.

I have requested hunter green and raw aluminum as new colors in my next order of Flite cases. Those should be ready "soon", but I don't know have an ETA for that second shipment yet, so for now I only have the colors listed above.
BTW, I have
plenty of the black, gun metal, red, blue, and dark green cases on hand. The store's software has some limitations (to put it mildly), so be aware that you can change your order to use one of these five colors or a
different one of these colors after you place it. Please send me an email to request the change after you have placed your order.
As with the previous two batches, please allow me 1-2 weeks to complete and ship all of the heaters from this batch.
Flix v2: Flix v2 is
just around the corner. The design is done, and FWIW a few people are already using it as a replacement for their v1.
I shared these pics previously, but it's worth posting them again.
Same general shape, but very different components and component layout:
A view looking down at the cap-as-switch setup:
I still need to record a new video, update the Flix web page, etc. That's going to take me some time, so I expect to do a 'soft launch' and start selling it through the store soon, even before I get the supporting material in place.
Flix v2 addresses a number of issues I encountered with v1: I took things back to the beginning and re-routed most of the PCB's traces to reduce RF interference. I also beefed up and hardened the circuit's ground connections and eliminated several inadvertent ground loops, I rotated one MOSFET 90° to provide a better current path, and I added more conductive material to the traces under the MOSFETs for better radiant heat sinking. Flix v2 also uses different MOSFETs and zener diodes (same as Flite), different capacitors and inductors (unique to it), as well as the new thermal fuse and solid state relay relay I am using in the control circuit of the Flite. These are behind-the-scenes changes that improve the stability and robustness of the circuit and give it much better thermal stability.
The biggest change users are going to notice in v2 is the addition of the Flite's cap-as-switch circuit trigger. This setup works
great on the Flix and it eliminates the issues caused by the previous protectors, the pyrex button and the silicone disc. As a bonus, it also requires much less downward force to operate.
The new hardware has added to the base cost of the Flix, and unfortunately going forward I will need to increase the base price of Flix v2 to $135 + shipping. Thank you for understanding, and thank you for your continued support.
I do have some remaining v1 Flix, and will be listing those in the store as well soon, until they are gone. These have the same MOSFETs and capacitors as Flix v2, so they are very stable. They have the Flix v1 tactile switch, however, and will not be compatible with the upcoming PWM module.
Flix v2 w/PWM (+$40)
Flix v2 has a connection to permit an optional PWM module:
The electronics are done, but I'm still searching for a good knob (!) to use for this application. I had one picked out, but apparently it rivaled the
Pontiac Aztec for questionable styling choices.

So the PWM will be mounted to the side, as above , with the knob TBD. Several new knob candidates are due this week, so watch this thread for future exciting developments in this area.
OK, that's the latest. I need to spend some time w/my family this afternoon, so I'll be logging off for a bit. I'll be back later to answer any questions.