Thanks for posting those pics,
@Jethro! Call me biased, but I think they look great!

Use them in good health!
I may be the only one interested in this next thing, so go ahead and call it a vanity project, but I got the first version of the DeWalt 12V battery breakout boards back from my PCB manufacturer, and they turned out better than I expected. They aren't perfect, but they are perfectly functional. Check 'em out:
I think I can offer a simplified version of this like the one above for around $5 as a bare bones item, power cable and shipping
not included (though if you ordered with a Flix it would ship with a Flix and wouldn't add any add'l shipping cost.).
I'd also like to bundle it with a power cable, but that may raise the price to ~$8-to-$10.
Taking this one step further, I also drew up a couple of versions with built-in battery meters, but a meter pushes the price up even more, to around $15 each, which may be more than people want to spend? (And I am not sure if anyone else even
wants to persue this, so if you are at all interested in something like this, please let me know!

) BTW,
they do make 7000 mAh versions of these battery packs that are reasonable priced, so if you are looking for high capacity portability, this is a pretty good solution.
Finally, if anyone was curious, this is what's inside these battery packs:
Open them up and you find 3x 18650 cells in series, in a custom plastic case. The connecting metal strips are neatly spot welded in place, directly to the tops of the batteries. Simple and done. Also, it would be very straightforward to replace these presumably crappy cells with some of better quality if one wished.
In other Fluxer news: I'm working on some delayed orders from the September 2019 Flux Deluxe cohort, and should finish those up by tomorrow. I'll add some additional Flix to the store after that - I just paid the invoice for the second order of Flix cases and switches. Those should be here next week, so the net batch of Flix I post for sale should include raw and red as colors, assuming the manufacturer delivers what I ordered.
I'll send out the emails for the next Flux Deluxe cohort (October 2019) after that, in what I think will be about two weeks.
Thanks, all! I'll probably be back with more info later, but I wanted to post the above updates now.