You can use a boost converter to boost the voltage of a single battery to 12v. As long as the IH uses less watts than the 18650 can handle it will be fine. The highest drain 18650 I know of can handle 108 watts continuous, don't know what watts IH's run at. If you knew what watts the IH runs at you can calculate estimate runtime too. Just for example (not based on real figures) a single 18650 has around +-10Wh. So it will run 10 watts for a full hour. if the IH is pulling 50 watts. You have a 12min runtime. It's actually a bit more complicated than that cause the capacity of the battery also depends on how much amps your pulling, but the idea is the same.
Huh. That's an interesting idea and one I haven't see this in this context. Out of curiosity, do you know which cell is capable of 108W continuous output?
FWIW, my first draft of the Flux Deluxe was as a 2 cell circuit. One of things I considered when evaluating 2 cells vs. 3 cells was the
total overall savings in cost, weight, and/or volume of multiple cells vs. fewer cells but with a need for add'l components. For me, the greater capacity and simpler circuitry of multiple cells won out, but a 1 cell design with enough capacity to be useful is intriguing for other projects.
Speaking of batteries...someone had asked me about using the Flix with one of these high capacity battery banks (16800mAh in this case):
I wanted one for general use, so this seemed like a good excuse to order one and also test it with the Flix. The
one I ordered from Amazon has a dedicated 12V/10A DC out port, making is a good candidate. And guess what? It works, lol:
The good news is that it does, indeed, work.

(I'm sure these have been discussed a lot elsewhere on FC, but apparently I don't get out much and they're new to me...)
The downside is that this is battery-in-a-box is both and heavy (1 pound, 5 oz., or about 600g). Here it is side-by-side with the 12V DeWalt battery pack I posted about yesterday:
One bowl (full bowl, 4 heating cycles) also knocked 5% off the capacity display, but I don't know how accurate that is or at what point it shuts down and stops working.
The bottom line, though, is that it does work, and it seems to work pretty well overall. I'll spend some time with it and give another update in another week or two.
Oh, and
@TommyDee , I finally picked up some 18350s to play around with.

They're tiny!