Fluxer Heaters, induction heaters for Dynavap


SEARCH for the treasure...
I think the VC-activated switch is the genesis of each of the artisan heaters. They all had to deal with it. I've simply (a)voided it. This is not a simple problem. My take is an offset switch with an actuator in the bottom of the coil. Regardless, there is a lot of heat. I'm settling for wooden cups and I'll need something like Oak to keep it from continually charring.

I believe that these switches have also complicated the usefulness of making the VC position in the coil adjustable. I think the relationship should be adjustable.

Let me give you a fun alternative to the switch for design... What about 2 flexible contacts as a switch? Let the cap complete the circuit.
Come to think of it, if those contacts were on an adjustable pedestal, one could adjust the insertion depth as well. You can use aluminum around the coil for hardware.

View attachment 1515

Sorry, thought you had an Apollo at one point. I’ll see if I can find a photo online, or perhaps someone that has one can reply?

As far as using the cap to make the circuit, it was either in this thread or the old one, if you recall someone tried something similar, but the metal acted as a heat sink, so NG. Seems if the switch is going to at the bottom of the coil, it needs some type of non metal insulator. I know Mr. C, looked long and hard on this subject, thus I was interested in how other builders, especially the commercial ones, have approached this issue.


SEARCH for the treasure...
@RustyOldNail It look like it's a silicone cap at the bottom of my apollo. It's the same thing on both models.View attachment 1518View attachment 1519

Thank you for taking your time to take photos & post! That’s very interesting, wonder what temperature that silicone is rated for? The switch on the FD is high temp rated, but from my limited understanding, most of the custom coil choices Mr. C offers can run hotter, then the types used in many of the commercial ones, and thus if a DV sits too long on a bare plastic/composite switch, can melt it, (photos in this or OGFC thread). The glass button solution he employs works great. I was just curious. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
If I got a battery bank with 15v/10amp output would that be fine as long as the cable only allows 12v or less thro to the flix?


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
If I got a battery bank with 15v/10amp output would that be fine as long as the cable only allows 12v or less thro to the flix?

Sure. The Flix shouldn’t see more than 12.6VDC, max. You can get there by starting with a more power source voltage and stepping it down to 12VDC

M3 Element

Well-Known Member
By making adjustments on the coils I essentially have the Flux Deluxe 15mm and the 16mm timed at 2 seconds apart now both giving thick full clouds from hit #1 and AVB is almost black. I love these things I no longer have to hear the click and count I can just pull on the click now its beautiful. Definitely have some thinking to do now about devices.
You have both a 15mm and a 16mm? How do they compare? If you could only pick one which one would it be?
M3 Element,


Well-Known Member
You have both a 15mm and a 16mm? How do they compare? If you could only pick one which one would it be?
At this present time I am leaning more towards the 16mm as the heat up time has no real significant difference but no matter how I adjust the coil I am getting better fuller rips with the 16mm.

However I have not made my final decision as of yet got a little bit more testing to do want to have both with identical battery charge Ive had them very close but this time I am going to run identical and I have a few TI tips a couple anodized that seem to heat a tad different so I am going to have to go 1 by one on each.

Mine - 15mm with carbon fiber / 16mm with glass


Active Member
Here are my impressions of the Flix after using the Fluxer for almost a year now. I do love my fluxer and the ability to take it with me at a moments notice and have enough power for all day is awesome. Though the voltage drop in the Fluxer didn't really bother me a whole lot I did find myself changing the batteries around 3.6V. The flix is consistent and I can get down with that.

The flix feels so great in the hand. So light, small, and solid. I really didn't think i would use the button that much....so wrong. The flix fits my vaping style perfectly. After the click and about halfway through my draw I put the flix up to the dynavap while still taking a drag and hit the button for a split second. I may hit the button a couple of times. This just gives me a little boost to the heat as the cap starts to cool. It's what works for me. So, the small size and button of the flix edges it slightly over the top of the fluxer in terms of the perfect vape for me. The flix will stay planted in the area I frequent most around the hose while the fluxer goes with me out of the house.

My one and only gripe with the flix is the magnet. While it is the perfect strength, the way it is set in the case right on the edge with the rounded corners when resting the dynavap on magnet it tends to wobble a bit. and possibly tip over. I have to take care, line it up, and set it down nicely.

I love my Fluxer, but functionally love my Flix a bit more. Bravo and thank you Mr. C. Thanks for all the hard work and headaches you put up with bringing all these wonderful devices to us! Gonna have to snag another flix for sure.

Moses Baca

Colorado State Reformatory #8755
I agree, we don't use the corner magnet on the Flix with our glass stems because it's too wobbly. We mainly use it for holding caps while loading.
No other issues, we're loving the consistency of the Flix.

M3 Element

Well-Known Member
At this present time I am leaning more towards the 16mm as the heat up time has no real significant difference but no matter how I adjust the coil I am getting better fuller rips with the 16mm.
In reference to that comment were you using a SS or Ti tip?
M3 Element,


SEARCH for the treasure...
You have both a 15mm and a 16mm? How do they compare? If you could only pick one which one would it be?


I know some like their DV hot and toasty, and goal of full extraction, sacrificing a bit of flavor. And I think it’s great Fluxer offers several different heat profiles of coils, to cover everyone’s preferences.

For me, with initial coil height, I was getting huge hot 1st hits, then if I was a half second late on pulling on the 2nd hit, I was close to combustion, black material, which I’ve learned is harder to clean out the tip, very oily and mushy. I’m no flavor chaser, but I knew I had too cool it down, it was like an old joint hit, along with the additional coughing I like to avoid. However, the results at the higher temps are more hard hitting, and I assume that’s what a lot are looking for. If you prefer it that way, pull immediately at the click, not much room for error.

In my 1st coil adjustment, after removing the top 1/2 height spacer/washer (leaving the bottom two, full width spacers) I moved the coil a bit too far down, and my click came at 4 seconds, too cool, next hit still kinda green tasting. Need a bit more time/heat now.

So in my 2nd coil adjustment I split the difference moving it back up, all movements are small, just 1-2 millimeters.

Results now for my preferences, the first hit is light but flavorful, 2nd one is good and strong, and a 3rd is clean up, done. All the ABV, is nice and even medium brown, not too dark. And with this coil position, I can now go a full second after a click, a little hotter, but NO black mushy toast, this gives you a bit of a click/time safety net, and gives the user back some extra control. Kinda a win/win.

I’m now on what’s probably the 2nd to last “downward” cooling setting/position one can do with coil wire movement on a 15mm. So a 16mm might have been fine for me, but since it is the coolest position I’ll ever use, I have a lot of adjustment if I ever want to go “upward”, hotter, that’s a plus.


AFTER 2nd COIL ADJUSTMENT (3rd position):
DYNAVAP: Titanium tip on titanium Simrell Vortex stem.
Fluxer at FULL charge. 12.5v. (3-new Sony VTC 5’s 20amp.)

***ALL timings appropriate, I simply counted, pretty consistent in subsequent tests.

1st cycle (room temp) = 6 seconds to CLICK.
2nd cycle after cool down click = 5 seconds to CLICK.
3rd cycle after cool down click = 4 seconds to CLICK.
*Tip is warmer after 1st cycle, so click is a bit sooner on 2nd & 3rd cycles.

BOTTOM LINE: Obviously, the 15mm is just as advertised. A good choice if you prefer the results of a hotter extraction, BUT can be tamed, as I did. I don’t own a 16mm and it’s slightly cooler performance, but I’d assume there would be some overlap with performance compared to the 15mm, and you could adjust a bit hotter, if you found it too cool.

Those are my notes, and will hopefully give some added data to help one decide which coil to start with, but like everything vape related, your mileage may vary. I am SUPER satisfied with my FD purchase, and the incredible customer service!

M3 Element

Well-Known Member

I know some like their DV hot and toasty, and goal of full extraction, sacrificing a bit of flavor. And I think it’s great Fluxer offers several different heat profiles of coils, to cover everyone’s preferences.

For me, with initial coil height, I was getting huge hot 1st hits, then if I was a half second late on pulling on the 2nd hit, I was close to combustion, black material, which I’ve learned is harder to clean out the tip, very oily and mushy. I’m no flavor chaser, but I knew I had too cool it down, it was like an old joint hit, along with the additional coughing I like to avoid. However, the results at the higher temps are more hard hitting, and I assume that’s what a lot are looking for. If you prefer it that way, pull immediately at the click, not much room for error.

In my 1st coil adjustment, after removing the top 1/2 height spacer/washer (leaving the bottom two, full width spacers) I moved the coil a bit too far down, and my click came at 4 seconds, too cool, next hit still kinda green tasting. Need a bit more time/heat now.

So in my 2nd coil adjustment I split the difference moving it back up, all movements are small, just 1-2 millimeters.

Results now for my preferences, the first hit is light but flavorful, 2nd one is good and strong, and a 3rd is clean up, done. All the ABV, is nice and even medium brown, not too dark. And with this coil position, I can now go a full second after a click, a little hotter, but NO black mushy toast, this gives you a bit of a click/time safety net, and gives the user back some extra control. Kinda a win/win.

I’m now on what’s probably the 2nd to last “downward” cooling setting/position one can do with coil wire movement on a 15mm. So a 16mm might have been fine for me, but since it is the coolest position I’ll ever use, I have a lot of adjustment if I ever want to go “upward”, hotter, that’s a plus.


AFTER 2nd COIL ADJUSTMENT (3rd position):
DYNAVAP: Titanium tip on titanium Simrell Vortex stem.
Fluxer at FULL charge. 12.5v. (3-new Sony VTC 5’s 20amp.)

***ALL timings appropriate, I simply counted, pretty consistent in subsequent tests.

1st cycle (room temp) = 6 seconds to CLICK.
2nd cycle after cool down click = 5 seconds to CLICK.
3rd cycle after cool down click = 4 seconds to CLICK.
*Tip is warmer after 1st cycle, so click is a bit sooner on 2nd & 3rd cycles.

BOTTOM LINE: Obviously, the 15mm is just as advertised. A good choice if you prefer the results of a hotter extraction, BUT can be tamed, as I did. I don’t own a 16mm and it’s slightly cooler performance, but I’d assume there would be some overlap with performance compared to the 15mm, and you could adjust a bit hotter, if you found it too cool.

Those are my notes, and will hopefully give some added data to help one decide which coil to start with, but like everything vape related, your mileage may vary. I am SUPER satisfied with my FD purchase, and the incredible customer service!
Thanks for the great write up. I joined the waiting list October 1st and it’s getting closer to when I’ll have to make my decision but I’m still really torn between the 15mm and 16mm. I’ve been trying to ask a lot of people about their experience with the 15mm. My current daily driver is the Port Side Mini which I’ve become really accustomed to the heating pattern and then I also have an Apollo 2 which I use as a back up for when the PSM dies. With the PSM I typically hold for 2 seconds past the clicks so I figured the 15mm would be the best choice to achieve the same results but I don’t even know how I came to that conclusion lol
M3 Element,


Accessory Maker
Accessory Maker
Thank you so much @Copterstyle for that detailed Flix write up!! I really appreciate hearing your thoughts after using it. Thank you! I am thrilled you like it so much! :clap:

Some brief updates:

Flix: I shipped 39 Flix last week, which is a drop in the bucket for some vendors but a lot of product for me. I am eager for updates from new Flix owners, as so far I have only seen the two user reports (@Moses Baca and @Copterstyle ) posted to this thread. I want to get a better sense of how well these are functioning in the real world before I start pumping 20-40 per week on a regular basis.

I believe more of you will be receiving your Flix within the next day or two. I am looking forward to hearing your comments on it once you have spent some time with it. :wave:

On the subject of putting more Flix up for sale, I am still waiting for a few parts to get here before I can re-stock my store. The alternate-color under glass LEDs were much more popular than I expected, lol, and I ran out of what I had on hand. I have more of those coming. :nod: I also have a few more customization options to share, mostly alternate color choices for the "power On" LED, "all green" and "all blue" options, etc. I'm preparing the images of those options for the web site now, and will also share those here once they are ready.

Flux Deluxe: Thank you, @RustyOldNail , for your detailed description of your FD's coil adjustment! I know this is a subject about which folks have a lot of interest, if not a little mystery. Your writeup helps explain and demystify the process. Thanks! :tup:

I am still assembling the names of the next "order confirmation invitation" email, people who signed up in Septermber 2019. I hope to get those emails sent out today or tomorrow.

Fluxer Web store: It's up and running well - so far, so good. It has enabled me to sell a lot of heaters so far. Thank you for making its launch a success! And thanks for everyone's patience while I learn how to manage this new slice of technology. I hope to have some more Flix and FD's up for sale soon.

Thanks again for your support, and for sharing your experiences with these heaters! I am very grateful. :nod:


PS: Criticism of the magnet location noted. Huh. I can't do much about it now, but I'll keep in it mind for the future.
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SEARCH for the treasure...
I’ve read various posts on using the FD’s internal lid magnets for parking a hot DV. Case finish was one concern, and I would think over time, there would be some wear, or scratches, some might not care a bit. The other concern recently mentioned was DV stability. Personally, I wouldn’t see the need unless one was traveling and had no other place to park a DV. I bought mine with the intention of cordless IH home use, and therefore unless doing only 1 load, I always have the need for my de-bowler next to the IH. Pictured is the “Myster”, it has a black plastic lid if you want to seal it up, but the lid, upside down has some storage area in it for other tools and brushes I use for all my vape tools. I added some fuzzy black Velcro, as an area I can tap down on, for stuck loads. And the little brush is used after the DV tip has cooled down. The 3 DV brand magnets I added, stick right to the bowl, no glue needed. That’s my simple, yet effective FD-DV system.


Moses Baca

Colorado State Reformatory #8755
My magnet criticism is a very minor note and so far that's the only thing I can think of.

We use our Flix a lot. It's our main driver around our house. Zero issues, we love it. Plus we still carry the Flux Deluxe around to use in different rooms and especially when sitting outside.

16mm coil on the Flix, nice and relaxed heating while around the house. 15mm coil on the FD, a bit quicker for outside or on the go. Both work great, I haven't felt the need to adjust anything on either one.
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