Hi all,
Thanks for the kind words,
@flammy and
@lookhigh !
Here are several quick updates for the Fluxer-curious. They're quick because I am still finalizing their details, but I haven't posted anything substantial in a few weeks and want to let you folks know what I am working on, Fluxer-wise.
In addition to building heaters and working through the waiting list, I have also been putting a lot of thought into how I can increase my output while still maintaining my quality - the classic "industrialist's problem", lol. This has lead me to re-examine each aspect of the current build with an eye towards reducing the number of
separate processes I need complete to make a heater. And yes, this sounds like obvious, first-semester-of-business-school stuff, but I am learning that obvious things only get done if you actually do them.
I won't run through everything I've identified just yet, but one important process that currently takes me a
huge amount of time is precisely drilling the 7 or 8 holes required in each case. Even with a custom-built jig to speed this along, this is a multi-step process that requires setup and drilling at two workstations, and at the second of those of those workstations I also need to perform several drill-bit changes and reposition the case for each hole. I conclude the case-drilling process by manually de-burring each drilled hole. The results are
great, but each of these steps take time, and some also carry the risk of screwing up and ruining that case.
Now, I enjoy drilling holes and making metal shavings as much as anyone with a workshop does -

- but in the interest of serving the hundreds of people waiting for a Flux Deluxe within our respective lifetimes, I'm exploring making an end-run around this whole process and having a run of my cases customized by the factory. This hasn't been possible until now due to the minimum order quantities (MOQ) required for customization, which is 200+ units, which is an investment, lol. Fortunately, I am now in a position to make this happen.

I have been going back-and-forth with the manufacturer for the last 4-5 days regarding the details of the CNC process, but that's par for the course. I am hopeful we will have the requirements spec done this week, which will be followed by prototypes, then eventually the delivery of several hundred pre-drilled (but unfortunately not pre-glued!!) cases. More news to come on this once I have it, but this will be a major development when this happens!! My current plans are for these first units to look the same as the current hand made cases, so no redesign for now, but future changes are very possible.
I also have some other things in the works to increase my output, and will share more details of those soon.
Finally, I have also been working on some new videos to show better comparisons of the various coil sizes and how they perform with both ti and SS tips. I have completed recording the preliminary video for the coil size /titanium tip comparison. I am editing those clips now (currently 12 minutes w/a lot of internally empty time, so more editing needed). I'll start recording the coil size/SS tip videos tonight or tomorrow, and hope to get the video wrapped up within the week, as I want to get it posted before making any other announcements, etc. The material in it is long overdue and I want to get it out there.
In order to get these things done in a timely manner, I am waiting a few days before I send out the next set of "confirmation invitations". I hope to send out the next group of invitations either Friday or Saturday. Thanks for understanding!
That's all for now, but more to come pretty soon.