But are the new robust FETs with the internal diodes suitable for this purpose or overkill?
More importantly, is the package the same for an easy swap?
Actually ,they are the best option for the job .
That's the main problem !
Resonant converters are one of the most exciting power supply topologies. These converters are popular for many applications because the performance increases power efficiency, minimizes components count, and reduces Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) over older power supply topologies. Soft switching is the representative feature of resonant converters.[1][2] However, use of the body diode in resonant converters sometimes leads to system failures. The stored charge in the body diode should be completely removed to avoid high current and voltage spikes, including high dv/dt and di/dt, in these topologies. Therefore, critical parameters of power MOSFETs; such as Coss(er), Qrr, and reverse-recovery dv/dt; directly affect dynamic performance of resonant converters A new power MOSFET, called UniFET™ II, is optimized for resonant converters. It provides better reliability and higher efficiency in resonant converters.
Resonant Converters Reliability
Several topologies of DC-DC converters for server and telecom power supplies have been introduced to reduce switching losses, device stresses on the power MOSFETs, and Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) while achieving high power density. Resonant converters that utilize the body diode of MOSFETs for Zero-Voltage Switching (ZVS) are very suitable for these applications. Specifically, the phase-shifted ZVS full-bridge converters have been widely accepted for high-end power supplies since they allow all switches to operate at ZVS by effective COSS of power MOSFETs and leakage inductance of transformer without an additional auxiliary switch. However, ZVS range is very narrow and the freewheeling current consumes high circulating energy. In the late 1990s, power MOSFET failures were reported in the phase-shifted ZVS full-bridge topology. One cause of failure is slow reverse recovery of the body diode by low reverse voltage. The other failure is due to the Cdv/dt shoot-through at no-load or light-load conditions.[3][4]
Soft switching (resonant)
What is soft (resonant) switching? ›
Soft switching begins one electrical parameter to zero (current or voltage) before the switch is turned on or off. This has benefits in terms of losses.
› The smooth resonant switching waveforms also minimize EMI.
› Common topologies like phase- shifted ZVS and LLC are soft switched only at turn-on.
What is the difference between zero voltage switching (ZVS) and zero current switching (ZCS)? ›
As both names imply either voltage or current within the transistor is zero before switching occurs.
– For ZVS, the transistor will be turned in at zero VDS voltage to reduce the turn on switching loss.
– For ZCS, the transistor will be turned off at zero ID current to reduce the turn off switching loss.
Why is there a need for a rugged or fast body diode?
› Most resonant circuits are half- or full-bridge topologies (2 or 4 transistors).
As transistors are switched on and off, energy can be left in the transistor and this can cause failure. Due to switching times if this only happens occasionally a rugged body diode is sufficient (CoolMOS™ P7).
If due to fast transition times it happens continually then a fast body diode is required to make sure all the energy will leave the transistor (CoolMOS™ CFD7 series).
https://www.st.com/content/ccc/resource/sales_and_marketing/promotional_material/magazine/7a/dd/a6/78/0f/a7/49/5d/TP 1033 Why use a fast diode MOSFET in a LLC.pdf/files/TP 1033 Why use a fast diode MOSFET in a LLC.pdf/jcr:content/translations/en.TP 1033 Why use a fast diode MOSFET in a LLC.pdf
And an alternative to FETs :
Still @Hackerman has a point .
The actual type of the OEM FET ,used at the "5-12 Volt ZVS IH module "
is not the best option .The 30N06G
Rds = 40 mΩ is quite high Drain-to-Source On resistance .
Thanks again for sharing all of this information, @stardustsailor !
Two quick, preliminary questions:
1: I've read several of the articles to which you linked, and went looking to buy some IRFBL17N50Ls to play around with. Unfortunately, I can't find them anywhere. The article you linked to is dated from 2000, and I can't tell if this particular MOSFET ever made it to market. Any ideas? Any suggestions for a soft-switching FET in a DPAK or DPAK2 package?
2. For my circuits, I'm using the LR7843 instead of the 30N06. I believe they are generally similar, but I'm curious about your take on that, and if there is a alternate DPAK-sized FET you prefer?
LR7843 datasheet: https://www.alldatasheet.com/view.jsp?Searchword=LR7843
30N06 datasheet: https://www.alldatasheet.com/view.jsp?Searchword=30N06
Thanks again! I welcome the opportunity to make these devices better!
The IRFB17N50L comes only at TO220 package .
The LR7843 is a very good MOSFET for a ZVS power supply .
A bit better than the NTD4806N ( also a better alternative than the oem 30N06 )
Here are few MOSFETs that I consider ideal for the job :
The ideal MOSFET !
1 ) VDS >= 40 V
2 ) ID cont. >= 40 Α
3 ) RDS(on) =< 10mΩ
4 ) QGS =< 25 nC
5 ) Trr =< 50 nS
6 ) Qrr =< 50 nC
Edit / PS :[/B]
@mr_cfromcali you maybe already aware of that the "5-12V ZVS IH module"
is not really meant to be a real IH device ,but mostly an educational device.
The higher wattage IH devices have their working coils water -cooled .
Thing is that for our purpose -luckily enough- the IH device only operates for brief time periods
(10 sec at most ) ,heating a small mass (not a rod ,but rather a tube ).
Thus we can "get away" from possible hazard -having a air cooled working coil- even
with "educational" devices like the 5-12 VDC ZVS IH module .
Or any other low wattage IH circuit with a non water -cooled work coil.
But if shit can happen ,eventually will happen ,at least most of the times .
Therefore a work coil overheat protection is not just a nice idea ,
but rather a "must " ,especially when Li-ion or LiPO battery cells are present close by.
Actually it's a very cheap and easy add-on .
All it is needed is this :
A Normally Closed ( NC ) KSD-9700 Bimetallic Disc Thermostat ( circuit breaker ).
I've already tried the 85°C one and it never tripped under heavy usage of the IH device,
at summer .
I'm going to try the 80°C and ( of the more "strict thermal protection policy ") 75°C .
While they are rated for ≥ 10000 times tripping @ 250 V / 5 A ,
connecting them to the MOSFET switch "Trigger " circuitry ( 12 V / 0.12 A )
their service life is drastically extended .
Furthermore ,under normal usage the breaker will trip very few times, if any at all .
BUt one can never be sure .
Curious pets ,small kids and unexperienced or disabled or even stupid adults ,
are few examples of " Uh-Oh ! " .
Once the work coli's temperature increases a bit above the selected threshold temperature,
the breaker trips and the power supply to the "trigger" circuit is interrupted .
The IH device can not be activated until the work coil temperature drops a bit below the
breakers reset temperature .
This small sub-circuit may never be activated.
But if the circumastances are such and it doesactivated ,
it may save the user of the IH from quite some trouble .
From the smallest one (i.e. a shorted work coil ,with it's insulation varnish totally baked and a damaged IH device )
to the biggest ones
(i.e. setting your sofa on fire or having the Li-ion/LiPO cells " fire-cracking "
on top of the table ) .
Better safe ,than sorry .
Especially at these cases.
More :
It was a late night last night, lol. Back with a few updates.
Turns out I couldn't wait to put a prototype together, as I was just too eager to see how it would work. This is the result. Please keep in mind that I started this effort at 2am and knocked off at 4am. There's still some work to be done - that charging cable is probably just temporary, for example, and I still have some switches to place, too. That said:
It works!
IMPORTANT: The batteries in the following clip are NOT fresh - in fact, they are the same batteries I used all evening, and by the time I shot this they were almost done. It was late, and battery life wasn't first on my mind. So...I'll post some better clips with shorter heating times soon.
Thanks for the support! I'll do some more work on it tonight and try to finish it up.
More to come![]()
Wow, just been directed here by a link in the DV thread. This little IH is the coolest and most desirable I've yet seen. Could actually see myself taking this places. Nice job man.![]()
Regarding your portable, curious why you decided to have the induction coil facing 90
Degrees from the length of the casing.
It would be more convenient to insert the length of the VapCap into the long axis of
The casing, rather than perpendicular to it.
Especially if you are wearing it on your belt. YMMV.
@mr_cfromcali Can you please explain how the Mother Fluxer and Flux Deluxe differ? As a potential customer, I want to know how you see the respective strengths and compromises of each product.
Since they are both portable, it’s a matter of deciding which fits my use case best. Does it basically boil down to the FD will be way more pocketable, thus more portable for slightly more money; whereas the MF will have more power in a slightly bigger form factor for $25 or so cheaper? Can I get weight differences please? If carrying it in my man-bag, less weight could be a factor for sure. I’m thinking either could easily accommodate a day out worth of usage, is that reasonable?
Many people have had success using the S&B Mighty’s charger with their 18650 IHs, is this a good match for the Fluxer Deluxe in your opinion? Sorry for all the questions! And thanking you kindly in advance!
@mr_cfromcali ... Just by way of clarification, which side of the enclosure will the coil insertion hole be situated?
Regarding your portable, curious why you decided to have the induction coil facing 90
Degrees from the length of the casing.
It would be more convenient to insert the length of the VapCap into the long axis of
The casing, rather than perpendicular to it.
Especially if you are wearing it on your belt. YMMV.
I get the belt thing, but for those of use who are still trying to be young and hipand don't wear utility belts . . I like the flat side down thing for when I'm at a pub garden table for example. It would be a visually more subtle process, and subtlety is my biggest draw to the IH. But as you said OMMV.