Hi Hackerman,
Thanks for your questions. I'll try to address your post as a whole, and we'll see how I do.
Fair warning: I worked for a few years as a school teacher, and that approach and tone kinda permeate my explanations.
I'm also very wordy when I get going. Sorry.
All of this will be on the test, BTW.
OK, here we go...
Reasons for FET Failures in ZVS Induction Heaters,
Why Bad Things Sometimes Happen To Good Circuits
Some members of the Dynavap user community seem to have a thing for these cheap inductions heaters based on the Mazzilli zero voltage switching (ZVS) circuit. These small, transistor-based induction heaters use a kind of circuit topology called "zero voltage switching" to accomplish the magic of generating heat in an object by oscillating an electro-magnetic field in a coil around that object.
ZVS behaves a bit like a see-saw, with two FET's working in opposition to one another - as one FET drains, it energized the opposite FET, and vice versa. There are some diodes (essentially one way gates) in the circuit to make sure things stay orderly. (By the way, FET =
Transistor; MOSFET =
Transistor. You're welcome.

This site has a detailed-but-still-readable explanation of the circuit, breaking down its different components and explaining their roles:
All of the material in the above link will be on the test, too.
Why should you know or care about all of this?
Because it helps to understand that the FETs in these circuits are worked pretty damn hard. I don't know if you've ever flipped a light switch on and off very rapidly to simulate a strobe light, but it's a bit like that. All of that switching is hard on the thing being switched, and the cycle of being repeatedly energized and drained is
harsh on the poor FETs! This circuit behaves a bit like pushing a tire down a hill - once you get it going, it will get up to speed very rapidly, especially if the material being worked is magnetic, and/or if there's enough power behind the circuit to magnetically saturate the work coil and the piece being worked. These FETs are
The heat and the stress of the IH application lead directly to the failure of the active components in the circuit.
The two FETs are the primary active components in the ZVS circuit, but the four diodes in the circuit are also considered active components. All six of these active components should probably be changed if any of them are suspected of failing, as a failure of any one of these six can also take out one or more of the other five.
Due to size and heat concerns, the FET that are used in these small ZVS circuits have some weaknesses.
The Banggood/Geekcreit/Scorpion/Other brand IH heater that DV users are familiar with uses a pair of small FETs in a package format called DPAK. DPAK is quite small and compact, and this small size means that its heat shedding properties are only fair. Despite this, this is the FET that is the most widely used for this circuit, so this is what those of us building heaters based on this circuit have to deal with. They fail a lot compared to transistors in other circuits, but they are also generating an electro-magnetic field expressly for the purpose of heating something at the molecular level, so their tasks are different than those of most transistors. These FETs aren't decoding a file or processing a video, they're actively converting a magnetic field to heat, and they live on the edge of failure to do it. Making them larger would make them more robust, but they wouldn't run as well on 12V, and they
definitely wouldn't fit into small heating devices. So their application here is something of aa compromise, and that should be understood before purchase.
BTW, these FETs cost less than $1 to buy, and probably only pennies to make. And the diodes are even cheaper.
None of the components in this circuit are particularly expensive, but as you might suspect, cheap parts are cheap for the usual reasons, and those get compounded a bit by the very small size of the SMD (surface mounted device, a very small size) components used in the Banggood and similar circuits.
OK, so that's the background info of this situation. But what about Fluxer, you ask? Where do I stand on component failure? Well, I'm opposed to it
My portable circuits are based on my own circuit board, which I designed. I am not using the Banggood SMD circuits in my portable heaters - apart from The Grande, for packaging reasons, but that will likely change now that my boards are stable.
I chose the components I am using to make up my circuit. They're good ones - better than the SMD components.
My components are "through-hole", which is a larger size than SMD, so they shed heat better and their size makes them a lot more robust.
That said, for packaging reasons my FETs are still DPAK sized. It's just very hard to make a small portable with a bigger FET.
I populate and hand-solder each board myself, then test it for quality. When I finish a heater, I am confident it works.
So, I am building the best devices I can. Now, once they leave my shop and makes their way into the real world, they're out of my control. I also I honestly won't know what the failure rate will be until these get into people's hands and they start using them. But again, I'm building these to the best of my abilities, and want them to be as good as possible.
That said...even with the best plans, parts, and intentions, sometimes stuff still fails.
Unlike the Dynavap itself, these aren't mini induction heaters aren't "forever" devices designed to survive the apocalypse. They have electronics, and they aren't made of stainless steel or titanium. Some of them are going to fail, possibly more than once. It's inevitable.
I intend to be be very clear about my support policies before I sell any of these portable units, but TBH I'm still working out what I think a fair policy will be. At this point, my plan is to offer these with a clearly stated limited warranty (
warranty period and details still TBD, but it will be reasonable and consistent with a device that sells for $125-$150*). I also intend to make any out-of-warranty repairs cost as little as possible, since shipping alone will probably exceed the cost of any replacement parts. BTW, it takes about the same time to build up a new PCB from scratch as it does to remove and replace the FETs, never mind the other four diodes; it's easier to build something small than fix something small.
Anyway, I'm going to end this novel for now.
*I'm a one man shop and this isn't my day job. I cannot provide unlimited, free, lifetime support for these devices - hell, I can't even provide that for my kids,
and they're my kids, lol. But I will stand behind them and make sure that my users are satisfied with their purchases.
Updated to add:
@stardustsailor responded ahead of me in while I was writing my response. I will readily acknowledge that he's a lot more knowledgeable about electronics than I am.