Although I do pop in and read everyone’s posts, I’ve been quiet around here for a while, I haven’t had much to add because
@mr_cfromcali had me send my beta in for updating with all the fabulous new features of the latest Deluxe and WOW!

He actually mailed it out quite a while ago & as many of y’all know he always sends a tracking email

But cruel fate wasn’t done with me and once it left America on July 1st , it dropped off the map and... disappeared.
I’m used to waiting for stateside packages but usually it’s pretty quick and something like this is unusual. So around the time I began to be really concerned, it popped up again! I got the notification email on the tenth! I picked it up this morning before we left for a 5 day weekend at the seaside and just got to try it out on the balcony of our rental. And it gets two thumbs-up from me, love the illuminated glass and it’ll smack you! It was like an entirely different beast almost and I love it even more!
Using @phattpiggie’s sip and dip method and had a very enjoyable session; have lots of supplies and a feeling it’s going to be a great weekend! Best of all, we brought our dogs so the family is all here and they always love having an adventure together. And fair warning, here’s another dramatic tale for ya: before I could even take it for test flight, catastrophe struck! While trying to unlock the door, I had dropped my brand new toy! F^*#!!! Batteries and guts exploding!
Thanks to the FD’s durable connections and solid construction, even I was able to put it back together easily and it worked. But I have one extra piece (Uh-oh!) whose purpose I can’t figure out, it’s a small black plastic card with the Fluxer’s logo and it has a cutout along the bottom edge. Anyone other than
@mr_cfromcali know where it goes? It’s not critical but I would like to restore it to its proper condition.

Happy weekend everyone!