unbearably light in the being....
Happy weekend, Mr. C!
Tonight's rig.
Can I call dibs on that Cherry? I'M IN LOVEHi all,
Wow - I just realized that it's been almost two weeks since I last posted to this thread!
I should give you folks an update.
In short: Since switching to the new MOSFETs, things at Fluxer have been quiet, calm, and stable. The new MOSFETs are working as expected.
There have been a couple of post-sales issues that I've needed to address, but only a couple. I have been able to focus my time on building new heaters, which everyone appreciates
I have been building out a variety of heaters using the newly available external switch, LED, and battery meter options, a few of which I'll show off at the end of the post. People have also requested some novel variations, too - like the "no front panel LED" unit shown below, and an "all blue LEDs" unit - and I will try to accommodate these requests when possible.
And speaking of which, here's more are those two configurations. Feel free to request them if they interest you:
I expect to have more variations in the future.
- No front panel LED/under glass LEDs only. (At this time that also means omitting the built-in battery meter)
- All blue LEDs, for a chiller vibe. Blue "power on" front panel LED. When the heater is activated, blue under glass LEDs light up. If you choose a battery meter w/this option, it will use the single blue front panel LED, which will get weaker with battery voltage and go dark at what would be the red LED transition point if a red LED were present
Flux Deluxe Waiting list, building new heaters, etc.: Production is back in full swing! (Such as that is.) I am working my way through the waiting list, which is fortunately/unfortunately quite long. I am attempting to build and ship two heaters per day, or about 50 heaters per month. So far, this pace seems sustainable, but we will see how it goes. Much depends upon these things working correctly, so...let's all hope they continue to do that.
I have made several improvements to my build process that have shaved real time from building these devices, while also improving their overall quality. Chief among these improvements is a drilling jig I made for drilling the cases. I will show this off in a future post.
New Dark Green case color: When it comes to case colors, I am at the mercy of my case vendor, as I can only offer the cases he has for sale. He, in turn, is at the mercy of his suppliers in China. The supplier in China has changed the formulation for the Dark Green anodizing as follows:
The previous Dark Green was more Olive Drab. The current Dark Green is more Forest Green. The current Green is shown for completeness.
I have a few of the old Dark Greens left, and plenty of the new ones on hand. If your turn comes up soon and you want one or the other, please let me know when ai reach out to you. For most of you, the middle color will be the color that will be available to you, so please plan accordingly.
Pictures: These posts are always better with some pictures, so here's some recent Fluxer eye candy:
Green (not dark green) w/external switch
Black case, under glass LED only/no external LED:
Cherry case w/small logo, orange oil finish, and external switch:
Thanks, everyone, for your continues support! I hope everyone is having a great Fourth of July, wherever you are!
I will be sending out more emails today and tomorrow for the next cohort of Flux Deluxes.
How about a pic of that baby lit up @Fat Freddy?
Yea second that... light her up.
How would the wooden case stand up do an accidental drop on a hard floor?
Apparently, yes you're eyes are deceiving you:That cherry is gorgeous! It looks like if may even be slightly thinner, are my eyes deceiving me?
...I am happy to announce that the Flux Deluxe will soon be available in at least one new case option: cherry...
Shown alongside a standard FD. I don't have the external measurements at hand, but the cherry case is a bit longer and wider than the standard case. The two cases are the same height, however, and the new one fits in the same storage bag at the standard FD...