The glass in mine keeps slipping out as well. I have to reset it each time I close the lid.
Also, I'm a lefty and have been using my thumb on the button, and am constantly burning the shit out of my pinky on the side glass, esp if it has slipped out a bit.
Mine hasn’t broken but it’s never felt solid. I’ve been concerned with it breaking and don’t really see the purpose of it. I would love to see it replaced with a piece of ceramic instead. If I could get a piece of the material of whatever the chamber/bowl is made of, that would be a neat experience. I’m curious what it would mean for the oven. Also curious about what the glass is doing. Is it ceramic? Should it be shattering this easily? Is it porcelain?
Idk. Just thinking out loud. Sorry. Rambling, mostly.
Also (hence why I quoted it) I, too am left handed and have had a similar issue with burning myself on the dang thing. I’m not sure ceramic would help the situation, on second thought.