@Phill_Swan Thanks for sharing! My method still needs some work, and I might even end up changing it completely, but my goal is to get thorough extraction without charring and keep at least decent taste throughout.
To that end, I try to keep the oven hot if I’m continuing and cool it down quick when I’m not. That’s a much simpler way to say it.
Still, as I try different things and refine my methods, I’ll try to share what I’m getting good results with.
A quick update to what I said before, I do think the battery charge has an effect on ideal timing, but I’m not sure that it’s so easy to directly relate it to the heat-up time.
I think that if you’re getting multiple sessions out of a load the more important part for preserving flavor and cooking evenly is to let go of the button and keep inhaling *at least* until the longer vibration, preferably longer on the last draw of the session.
I think I’ve done what you’re doing and it works, but I tend to use the same load 3-5 times and I don’t love coming back to a lack of flavor. If you’re using it all at once though, it sounds more appealing in that context.
Edit: Also, on the cleaning front, I get best results from emptying the chamber immediately after the last use (or extra heat cycle). Heating it while open may help, but doesn’t seem to do as well as fast for me.
I’ve also been using a q-tip when I’m home to quickly wipe the bowl and screen and it seems to pick up any stray bits. A small brush would probably work just as well.
If you need to get the screen out, mine at least is domed a bit and comes out fairly easily if I push on it from the mouthpiece side toward the battery side. Torching may shorten the life of your screen, so I just drop it in alcohol, shake it up and rise it after a few mins. That’s kept it clean so far.