How many vaps could a Vapman vap…
Yeah but those are completely different styles of vapes, of course you’re not going to be able to stem load a vape that doesn’t load up in its stem.Hmm, I guess I don’t bring any tools along for any of my vapes. I straw suck to load my toad, p80, dynavaps, and so on. To eject a spent load I just blow it out when it’s finished.
Just providing a counterpoint to the tooling arguments. I’m sure a tweezers makes it simpler to manage, it just still feels like a bit of a miss if I need to buy various accessories to use my vape? It’s not the end of the world, I am sure.
I carried around a tool with my Firewood 7, Anvil, my Vapmans, all my vapes I use at home pretty much all require a tool of some kind. The only vape that doesn’t is the Toad, but that’s a class above any other in my collection so it’s not a fair comparison.
That being said the 8 is the most involved, I just don’t think it’s all too difficult to adapt to.
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