My loading tray has arrived!
I have yet to actually use it but have examined the relationship of the capsule to the tray components so that I could respond to this question ASAP:
I was just checking out the loading tray from 3d studios. I see in the pic the top of the capsule is bellow the top of the tray when assembled for loading. Seems there will be excess on top of the caps after loading. I think it would be better if it was flush with the top so you can pack and scrap the excess on the top piece, lift it off and your caps are perfectly packed. Flush with the top and no need to scrap of the extra.
I'm still ordering one! Love the concept!
The tolerances on this thing are really tight. The inner wall of the opening in the top part of the tray exactly matches the inner wall of the capsule at its widest point. So I don't see that there will be any issue with excess on top. Especially once you use the tamping tool.
I'll post again after actually loading up a cap.
EDIT: So here I am, after loading a cap (and before using it so that I can be at least semi-coherent

Short version: This loading tray rocks.
Longer version: This loading tray totally rocks!!!!
A capsule fits into a silo of the tray perfectly and the tamping tool fits into the capsule perfectly.
The "base" of the tamping tool fits into the top of the tray nicely for use as a scraper to push errant material into the capsule(s). That base also serves as a natural "stop" when tamping down. The base meets the outer edge of the tray and that's as far as you can tamp. That will work fine when filling caps with healthy/full doses. But I'll probably use my own tamping tool most of the time because my micro-doses fill up so little of the capsule that the tamping tool base hits that "stop" point before I've tamped as firmly as I want to.
The bottom of each of the four silos is open and at first you might think (as I did) "I wonder if it would be better for that to be closed so that the screen has support when I'm tamping down", but when you're ready to take the cap out of the tray you remove the top part of the tray, place a finger tip under the silo with the capsule in it and apply the slightest pressure and that capsule lifts up out of the silo just enough to make it even easier to remove from the tray.
In summary: If, like me, you are a FW8 user who faces challenges in the fine motor department, the quality-of-life improvement made by this device is immeasurable. If, like me, you like cool vape-related gadgets and showering your new vape with accessories to make it feel welcome, this device will make you and your vape very happy. If, like me, you enjoy supporting small made-in-the-USA businesses that provide stellar customer service...well, you get the idea.
3D Delta loading tray for the FW8. Accept no substitutes.