Firewood Vaporizer


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
...the airflow upgrade...
Yes! I forgot to include that in my review. The airflow is definitely improved with the FW8.

Also, I remembered the other idea I had for iterative improvements, also relating to the pods:

What if the extra pod carrier had two sliding covers on the top and bottom sides? Then you wouldn't have to have a pod be upside down when placing it in the carrier. Plus, if you opened both sliders enough to reach a pod, you could gently push it out from one side and catch it coming out the other without having to tap on the carrier to dislodge it, thereby perhaps loosening your pack.

Like I said earlier, the FW8 is a most effective beast and makes my brain go to weird places.


Well-Known Member
Let me start off by saying that I am a huge FW7 fan… it’s sexy-sleek, minimal, only has one job and it does it well… add the versatility of using a glass piece or j-hook (my favorite) with the WPA and it's easy to see why it’s been my daily flower driver (DTv5 for concentrates) since I got it last July…

I put 7 up for a well deserved vacation on Friday when I received my new pal FW8… despite my admiration for its predecessor and all the raving reviews I didn’t set my expectations too high since I figured there would be some kind of learning curve, even if minimal. My experiences from Friday night (after 1st battery charged completely) to last night could be summed up in 1 word… Disappointing. Vapor production was sparse no matter what I did… half bowl, full bowl, light pack, heavy pack, nothing changed… the draw was always open and airy, which I kind of expected with the larger intake holes and increased focus on convection, and just when I felt I started getting decent vapor it was already at the point where the bowl was tasting toasty and close to combustion.

Last night I was clearing and cleaning the oven chamber and saw a bit of particulate in the narrow part of the glass so I pulled it out to give it a quick iso bath and put in the ‘spare’ glass mouthpiece… and immediately felt a difference… the first mouthpiece slides easily, like a slide whistle or a trombone, while the second is a noticeably snugger fit. I would not have thought it would make such a difference, especially after taking a side by side pic of both mouthpieces (the ‘good’ one is the one with the silicone adapter on the end) and seeing absolutely no difference between the two, however…

In my quest to gather further empirical data, I tested two bowls with the 2nd mouthpiece last night…

I don’t remember actually *seeing* my Ancient Oriental Ancestor last night, but I know I spoke his name aloud and involuntarily more than twice…


Testing will continue…



Well-Known Member
Snug fit and a good seal is such a key element of the vaping experience. Glad this discovery seems like it has unlocked the FW8 for you. How's it comparing to the hit quality of the FW7 now?


Well-Known Member
Let me start off by saying that I am a huge FW7 fan… it’s sexy-sleek, minimal, only has one job and it does it well… add the versatility of using a glass piece or j-hook (my favorite) with the WPA and it's easy to see why it’s been my daily flower driver (DTv5 for concentrates) since I got it last July…

I put 7 up for a well deserved vacation on Friday when I received my new pal FW8… despite my admiration for its predecessor and all the raving reviews I didn’t set my expectations too high since I figured there would be some kind of learning curve, even if minimal. My experiences from Friday night (after 1st battery charged completely) to last night could be summed up in 1 word… Disappointing. Vapor production was sparse no matter what I did… half bowl, full bowl, light pack, heavy pack, nothing changed… the draw was always open and airy, which I kind of expected with the larger intake holes and increased focus on convection, and just when I felt I started getting decent vapor it was already at the point where the bowl was tasting toasty and close to combustion.

Last night I was clearing and cleaning the oven chamber and saw a bit of particulate in the narrow part of the glass so I pulled it out to give it a quick iso bath and put in the ‘spare’ glass mouthpiece… and immediately felt a difference… the first mouthpiece slides easily, like a slide whistle or a trombone, while the second is a noticeably snugger fit. I would not have thought it would make such a difference, especially after taking a side by side pic of both mouthpieces (the ‘good’ one is the one with the silicone adapter on the end) and seeing absolutely no difference between the two, however…

In my quest to gather further empirical data, I tested two bowls with the 2nd mouthpiece last night…

I don’t remember actually *seeing* my Ancient Oriental Ancestor last night, but I know I spoke his name aloud and involuntarily more than twice…


Testing will continue…

What’s the WPA you are using with the FW8? I also enjoy using my FW7 with a J-Hook through the WPA.


Well-Known Member
Hey...something I just realized. The 8 doesn't have the name engraved in like the 7!
Think marc missed that detail or just didn't do it on the 8?
I really like it on the 7.
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FAT X - Ruby Twist - TM2 - 20M w/ Wand
If people are interested, let me know. I'll contact Ratchet and see if he's up for another custom build. If he knows there are a number of folks willing to spring for it he might be more willing to put in the R&D.

I am most decidedly interested! I’m a big fan of their products I own and would 100% purchase this.

I actually was wondering myself if he’d consider making it, but didn’t know how to ask, so thank you!


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
I am most decidedly interested! I’m a big fan of their products I own and would 100% purchase this.

I actually was wondering myself if he’d consider making it, but didn’t know how to ask, so thank you!
You're most welcome. I emailed him yesterday and will provide updated info as I receive it.


Well-Known Member
What’s the WPA you are using with the FW8? I also enjoy using my FW7 with a J-Hook through the WPA.
I slapped a silicone 14/18mm adapter on the end of the glass and use it with a Hubble Bubble, but when I was having trouble getting vapor I quit using the bubbler but kept the adapter on to use as a mouthpiece... the glass doesn't get hot enough to do any damage but it can get uncomfortable and why be uncomfortable when you don't have to, amirite?!?

I need to figure out something that will keep the innermost part of the mouthpiece from fully touching the chamber wall when fully retracted... right now it blocks the air path when pushed in fully, as it does when I use it with the Hubble Bubble, so I have to try to awkwardly pull the stem out, but just a little bit, while simultaneously pushing it back down by pushing the end into the bubbler... maybe if I were able to carve a small notch into the back wall, just enough to not impede the air path when the stem makes contact...

Hey...something I just realized. The 8 doesn't have the name engraved in like the 7!
Yeah, I noticed that too... I wish it was on there too, but maybe it's because they are still 'beta testing' units...

How's it comparing to the hit quality of the FW7 now?
I used to be a pipe and joint smoker until last 4th of July when I got my first Dynavap and I was lucky enough to score my FW7 2 weeks after that and I haven't looked back... I really can't even stand the ashy taste of smoking anymore! When I realized how much I loved the FW7 I started looking for a backup spare... and none were to be found... if I had scored a backup FW7 I would have passed on the FW8... I totally agree that looks-wise the 8 looks like the prototype for the 7, but I also understand why it was done and I imagine an all-Cherrywood FW would be cost-prohibitive... and while I can't say that my bud 'tastes better' in the 8 I do notice the absence of that slight campfire smell that you get with the 7. Being completely honest, I would have preferred if Marc had stuck with the single loose 18650 cell design of the 7 but I also completely understand why he had to change that... and having said that, the engineering and design he came up with is very clever... I love how the lock mechanism also slides over the contact points to protect them when not attached.

I was for sure having some buyer's remorse when I thought I wasn't getting any performance out of 8... Now I can see what everyone else was raving about... In my opinion 8 does hit harder than 7... not by much but enough to be noticeable... the capsule system is going to take some time to get used to and I've been getting much better with releasing both fingers at the same time so they drop straight down into the oven without going cockeyed on the way down... I personally think the 7 is more convenient for on-the-go activities... I just carry my ground bud in a doob tube and fill the chamber from that and a gentle puff out of the mouthpiece with the cover off clears the avb & she's ready to go again... Knowing I've got a second unit at home lets me feel better about taking 7 out of the house. While I know that the FW8 is a winner and will be successful, I'm also glad I got my hands on a 7 while they lasted!


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Alright, here's an update on a FW8 capsule loading tray from Delta3D Studios:

First off, for you old-school FW freaks, the loading tray for the FW 3/FW4 capsules is now up on his website. Takes the FW4 to whole new levels of user-friendliness.

Moving on to the main attraction:

I have exchanged emails with Ratchet and he is totally psyched to whip up a loading tray for the FW8. I will be sending him one of my capsules in tomorrow's mail. He thinks that once he receives it, he should be able to turn out a tray in a week or two depending on his order queue.

Pricing will depend on how much modification he needs to make to the FW4 version due to differences in capsule shapes and sizes. More info will be available once he has completed the prototype.

I'm psyched!


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Here's a question for my trusted FW advisors:

Where would you go to buy some safe (medical grade, high temp) tubing to use as a whip for my FW8?

I don't know why this has been so difficult for me but I can't seem to find the right thing from the right place. I was ready to pull the trigger on an order with PlanetVape but their cheapest shipping option is $20 😧 I know everyone has to make a living and there are all sorts of pressures on these vendors right now, but I'm having a hard time with the idea of spending more on shipping than I will on the tubing.

Any ideas, suggestions, leads will be much appreciated.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Here's a question for my trusted FW advisors:

Where would you go to buy some safe (medical grade, high temp) tubing to use as a whip for my FW8?

I don't know why this has been so difficult for me but I can't seem to find the right thing from the right place. I was ready to pull the trigger on an order with PlanetVape but their cheapest shipping option is $20 😧 I know everyone has to make a living and there are all sorts of pressures on these vendors right now, but I'm having a hard time with the idea of spending more on shipping than I will on the tubing.

Any ideas, suggestions, leads will be much appreciated.

The Rogue Wax Works my dude!

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Dude, you're the best!

He only had red and green tubing in stock so I went with green.

I also picked up one of his new cooling stems for the FW7. Can't wait to see how that transforms the FW7 experience.

My pleasure dude, he is the best truly, so many great accessories, message him on Instagram if you want something more specific that is not in stock currently! I had wanted only the purple tubing previously, so he let me know when it was back in stock, his whip mouthpieces are awesome too


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Wish I'd thought of mouthpieces before I finalized my order :doh:

Well, once I know I'm happy with how the tubing works I can explore those.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
Wish I'd thought of mouthpieces before I finalized my order :doh:

Well, once I know I'm happy with how the tubing works I can explore those.

Yeah but you can also hit him up, probably didn't already ship it although he is quick!
Shit Snacks,
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It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
Yeah, but I think I'll try to not do what I usually do, which is get carried away by the enthusiasm of discovering something new. This way I'll get to have another shopping adventure later on.


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
I think it's okay for me to be posting back-to-back here because it's been 6 hours since my last post. Apologies in advance if I'm misunderstanding the rule.

Anyway, I think I have identified what is, for me, the FW8's only weaknesses so far: the capsule screens and carrier.

As my time using the capsules grows, I'm having more instances of the screens falling out of the capsules when I'm cleaning them or when I'm trying to place empty ones in the carrier. It was only a minor annoyance until last night when the screen popped out and fell on the floor. I was able to find it (thanks, Mag-lite!) but what a PITA! Any tips on how to remediate the situation?

One instance in which the screens get dislodged is when I am putting capsules in the carrier. Up until now, I put loaded capsules in the carrier with the screen side up so that when I take them out, they are right side up. I've also been putting them in that way when they are empty, but I think I am going to change that habit because I've had multiple instances where I am trying to close the carrier's lid and because the capsule isn't completely seated in the carrier, the lid contacts the bottom of the capsule and pushes the screen out of place.

Which leads me to a broader problem with the carrier: No matter how I look at it, it seems like at some point, the capsules are going to be upside down. If I put them in the carrier with the open end up, they will be upside down when I remove them. If I want to avoid that, I need to put them in the carrier with the open side down, increasing the chances that the material will be dislodged in transit. Yes, Marc is correct that if you tamp the material tightly in the capsule it does seem to stay put, but it's still something I'm always aware of.

Which is what led me to the possible solution I posted earlier (#8476) about the carrier having a sliding removable cover on each long side. You could open the "top" cover (the one with the tamping tool/handle) to drop in loaded capsules and open the bottom cover to remove them.

Does any of this make sense of should I stop doing vape accessory design after using the vape? :lol:


Well-Known Member
It makes sense, and it could work well if the top and bottom sides were easy to identify, but it would probably also be a bit thicker to accommodate the extra lid/rail, I think it would be harder to make, and if it slid very easily (which it might after it’s been used a lot) it could be too easy to accidentally open the side you don’t want to open and make a mess…

There are good and bad points I think. Since I haven’t used it yet, I don’t know whether or not the potential downsides of double lids would outweigh their usefulness or how people might perfect the use of the existing design to avoid some of the issues you’re having. Even a little tighter screen could help. :sherlock:


Well-Known Member
@moondog I was going to ask you if you'd had any issues with the screens, I popped my first one out on Thursday... I grabbed one of the 1/2" screens I have for FW7 but it was a bit too big... I'm also struggling with the capsules... The best solution I've found for me or is to load them and put them in the carrier upside down (bc that's the only way I can get them back out & have them still be full) and just set the carrier itself upside down on the counter... I hold the carrier in one palm upside down then slide the lid/floor aside so the capsule drops into my palm...

I don't mind the battery change and I like the better airflow and convection but I wish she still had 7's oven setup... 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's an obsession but it's pleasin'
It makes sense, and it could work well if the top and bottom sides were easy to identify, but it would probably also be a bit thicker to accommodate the extra lid/rail, I think it would be harder to make, and if it slid very easily (which it might after it’s been used a lot) it could be too easy to accidentally open the side you don’t want to open and make a mess…

All good points.

My thought was that if one side (let's call it "the top") still had the tamping tool/handle, that would make it easy to identify which side you want to open when. (Assuming, of course, that using the FW8 doesn't make you forget which side is which and what it was you were planning to do and your dog's name, and, well, you know. :brow:

There are good and bad points I think. Since I haven’t used it yet, I don’t know whether or not the potential downsides of double lids would outweigh their usefulness or how people might perfect the use of the existing design to avoid some of the issues you’re having. Even a little tighter screen could help. :sherlock:

I'm counting on the FC FW brain trust to science the shit out of the problem. :science:

@moondog I was going to ask you if you'd had any issues with the screens, I popped my first one out on Thursday... I grabbed one of the 1/2" screens I have for FW7 but it was a bit too big...

Again, I'm hoping someone will pint out a simple hack to keep those screen in place.

I'm also struggling with the capsules... The best solution I've found for me or is to load them and put them in the carrier upside down (bc that's the only way I can get them back out & have them still be full) and just set the carrier itself upside down on the counter... I hold the carrier in one palm upside down then slide the lid/floor aside so the capsule drops into my palm...

That's pretty much exactly what I do, but then I find myself compulsively checking the carrier after I remove the capsule to see if any herb fell out of the capsule (yes, even though they were kept right side up:mental:). Complicating the issue is that the capsules often stick in the carrier and require a tap to get them out.

I don't mind the battery change and I like the better airflow and convection but I wish she still had 7's oven setup... 🤷🏻‍♂️

I still really like the capsule concept. I just think the carrier needs some work.
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