Yeah sorry I got pretty technical there. I guess what I am getting is that I want the adapter to be as universal as possible. In a perfect world it would work with anything. But then I go to sneaky pete's and I see all these wide spiral glass pieces that look awesome but that are never going to fit

I still want it to be as universal as possible though. One issue with that is short stems. If they are less than 3 1/2 inches (ie hula or equivalent) then it won't work, unless I made a costly ceramic adapter (costly because it would have to be really long) or also included a small wooden mouthpiece tip that would fit into the end of the stem, essentially making it longer.
bornfree suggested in an email that the hula stem fit into a wooden hole like how the current wpa works. That would make the adapter more simple because it eliminates the need for a long ceramic part to allow short stems to work - if it is just a wooden hole that it fits into I can make that as long as I want to for low cost. The problem is that I think we lose universality when the adapter fits on the outside of the glass. Glass tubing in general has a lot of variation in diameter. The variation might not be visible but it is absolutely enough to cause tolerance nightmares for vape designers. There have definitely been other vapes by various manufacturers that have been plagued by glass tubing dimension variations over the years. Orings are the savior but can't solve everything. I'd love people to be able to use wooden stems for example but that'd be tougher if the orings are on the outside since all the existing stems made for dynavaps are made to fit with oring on the inside.
Maybe it isn't so important for it to be universal. Maybe just offering the adapter with a cooling stem that is just the right length is good enough. Or maybe I just tell people with shorter stems to use a little wooden mouthpiece tip that I can also offer... any thoughts?