This is so elegant.Thanks!
I should add some info on how it works... As you can see there is no button like on fw5. The button is the heater, which you can see in the second pic. It is spring loaded so when you squeeze it against the bowl (by squeezing the whole unit together), your squeezing action does double duty: it activates the internal button, and also created a tight seal between heater and bowl.
The little slider thing on the side has 3 positions: far left is to open/close, far right is to lock it shut for transportation, middle is to use.
Firewood 6 pictures!
fw6 next to a fw5c and fw5s:
Opened up:
Retractable mouthpiece:
Tool/Lid back in place and ready to go:
Got my confirmation email from Marc, pretty dang exciting! Shouldn’t be too long now and we’ll all be toting firewood(6) and talking about the experience. Thank you again @Hjalmark for keeping me up to date with the amazing world of portables, I feel like one of the cool kids. I’m excited about having a more portable portable than I’ve ever had before! I haven’t had a really good portable option... until NOW!
*Cue triumphant muzak and ridiculously upbeat voice-over dude*: “The Firewood Six, it’s all new for you!”
I think that FW6 will be perfect for my dog walks as well as cheeky quick hits on days out & about. I absolutely love having a herb stash onboard the device for stealthy reload capability when a bowl (or two) just isn’t enough. Carrying an extra container and transferring material from it into the vape, while holding one in each hand can be cumbersome and messy/wasteful for me sometimes. The stash being so close to the bowl and the integral lid/tamper is genius imo. I’m happy to keep a couple extra batts nearby for a quick switcheroo rather than being powerless until I can recharge. The FW6’s squeeze trigger is so ergonomic and will be badass on the go. I can hardly wait to get my filthy paws on it!
~ KnowNothing Dummyhead
Just confirming I’m on the list, Marc hasn’t started taking orders yet. You can relax, you’ve not missed anything!
A really cruel part of myself’s first instinct was to lie and say that Marc’s about to start taking orders soon, but that he’s shipping a FW6 to me beforehand just because he thought my email last week was hilarious.
I didn’t because the kind part of myself won. At least today.
EDIT: There’s been no change. Release is still the same timeframe. Geez firewood people!
Super exciting news .fw6 looks amazing. I wish a UK company would sell them for you . Totally hate paying import duty
Does he pay you at least for increasing the suspense before the release?The biggest problem with waiting, as I see it, is that time keeps on slipping into the future...
Man, the performance on this FW6 is bloody amazing, so much flavour and the effects are unbelievable! All of the components work seamlessly together to deliver a powerful experience that other vapes wish they could provide. It’s completely changed my perception of what’s possible with a portable device. All I can say is WOW!Looks like I’m gonna be riding this unicorn solo until Marc does the big release for the great unwashed masses.*
You guys are truly missing out on greatness!
* just kidding folks, just joking! Put your pitchforks down please! I don’t actually have a FW6 in hand yet either, I only possess an overly active imagination and a warped sense of humour. But if I did have one right now, I would totally rub it in at every opportunity. Believe that. Goodnight Firewood people, this concludes our broadcast day.
So, for those that have a firewood, did you order it finished? Or did you finish bit yourself. Is it worth it to wait a few days and have it done? Or is it so simple a cave man could do it?
I'm preparing myself, not even sure if it's going to be a choice yet.
I'd probably start using it right away however it came, lol.