apologies in advance for the large pic, its not that easy resizing photos from iphone
my dog gets mad at me when I leave him behind. he enjoys paper products - rolls of toilet paper, books and other important things. i try to dog proof before leaving and went to a christmas party this past weekend. i returned to see my fw5 in his bed. at first i thought it was intact, but it in fact was far from it.
i contacted marc and to my surprise he said he'd take a look at it and if the parts were salvageable he'd work with me on a replacement!! what a great guy!!
any tips & tricks learned so far?
I keep a toothpick loaded in the battery compartment for stirring. If I dont feel like stirring i just tap the side. I generally try to skip the middle bowl for simpler bowl usage - bowls 1 and 5 sit fully seated. bowls 2 and 4 sit flush with the opening. this makes switching the bowls a no look and all by feel action. I've tried loading with a scoop, but i find loading with my fingers easier. i also found a cigarello container the perfect diameter to tap material into the bowl.
I'm experimenting with grind size next. I'll probably also experiment with the heat offsets. Temp 3 doesn't combust for me, so i'd like to bump up the offset until i find combustion and then back down 1 or 2 settings. next i'd bump up Temp 2 to the max. I used to vape on all 3 settings, but later found that I was only using Temp 3.
If I still find myself only using 1 temp setting then I'll max out Temp 2 and max out Temp 3. I'll use Temp 2 most of the time and will use Temp 3 when the battery gets down to two buzz. I find that two buzz its better to just switch the battery out.
For cleaning...I find I can go a really long time without cleaning. I'm considered a light user. I bought a glass tube with flat bottom. It's a little too large but the smaller test tube I bought was too small! so make sure you take measurements and account for ID (my mistake). So i just put all items in the test tube with ISO and
gently agitate. looking back i think a glass test tube might be too fragile. also the glass mp w/ ceramic parts is also dangerous. so i mainly let it all soak in there.