Since I'd been drooling over the firefly 1 since it's launch, I finally snapped one up (used). Think the battery I got is on it's last legs, since it dies before I've fully vaped an oven. Got a 770mah one on the way, which I have high hopes for.
-Enormous clouds that are silky smooth and ice cold. It's amazing how easy it is to get clouds from this. Very similar technique to the mflb.
-That airpath is short but sucks all the heat from the vapor. You don't even think you are getting anything until you exhale.
-Firefly 1 is so big and so heavy. It's a behemoth. I love it, but I wouldn't really use it portably.
-Form factor feels really nice in the hand. Using it is like hitting a big glass bowl. Nice ritualistic experience.
-Build quality is off the charts. I can see why they charged $300ish msrp, though that was (and maybe still) is too much for me to drop on a portable.
-battery life is meh, but fine.
-It's a real mess to load, unload. Herb sticks to the top and falls all over. But it's cool you can sweep any extra into the chamber. This means I can just pour ground herb in there to load.
I really wish the firefly 2 had kept the Streamline Moderne/Art Deco styling, but smaller with more battery life. One button/temp operation on the firefly1 is perfect. So just make it the same as the 1 but smaller and lighter with more battery life.