Fiberglass found in Angus Enhanced

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While fibreglass itself is not ideal, what binder resins are used with it might be even more interesting, because these can fume out pretty low temp depending on what kind of fibreglass is used. Do we know?
Exactly. A lot of questions need to be answered. This is a good one as also not all vapour/ fumes are visible or have an odour or taste.

Official investigations are most likely taking place and Yllvape will at least brief their retailers if not their customers, and I'm sure we'll start seeing posts.

As reported by @Señor Negro retailers worldwide are starting to list as 'OOS'. They are waiting to see what Yllvape does next.

Don't expect much from retailers, not their fault. So many affected, so much money being lost and none of this is good for the industry. Retailers were deceived too.

But for the end user this is the place to air concerns. Thank God for FC as waiting on responses to emails from a different time zone while in panic mode ain't it... Encouraging all to share views on this important topic about safety.

People who wanted to buy this vape are imagine how people who experienced the issue themselves felt.

More to come for sure...

Señor Negro

Well-Known Member
Yet another update with the response I just got from the retailer I got my Anguns Enhanced from:

Dear Clients,
We are doing all we can to know precisely course of action , we are talking to YLL vape and doing research .
We are analysing to know the real issues .
We should have some definitive answers next week .
If we can ask for a little more patience on this issue , rest assured La Centrale Vapeur will do everything to fix this .
Thank you very much for your trust and understanding

Kind regards


Yllvape social media influencers are already too focused on the aerolite... If it produces clouds it will sell...

Opinions don't matter... The issue is global. Hopefully everyone makes the right decisions.

Doesn't matter how Yllvape spin it... They totally didn't take into account medical cannabis patients in countries with strong consumer rights/laws..

It's the stupidest thing I've seen in recent years..a company so young competing with the big dogs successfully, getting praised all over after issues with original Angus.
The AE slapped.. and the aerolite was lined up perfectly to succeed... 4 20 sales round the corner... The AE on so many wish list.... WTF man!

Reddit post worth keeping an eye on.

And get this song the views it deserves.


Dr. G

Vapman Collector Vapman Beta Tester
The Frolic is set to be released soon... (I was going to get one...but I am going to pause on it.) I am hesitant to buy anything. This controversy should open our eyes and we should demand to see what the vape looks like inside and what everything is made out of before the consumer buys. I think it is only fair to know what you are allowing to enter your body...

Grass Yes

Staff member
yeah we need to test air quality in every central air and heated building we live in because there is more air pollutants inside your home and commercial properties than what you've been told too.
I think you are being unserious here. There are many things that I encounter in daily life that I don't want inside a vape. I put gasoline in my car, but I don't want to huff it with my cannabis. I use bleach to clean my bathtub, but I don't replace my water in my bong with it.

Consider your goals in downplaying these concerns. Who does it benefit? What does it do for your reputation in our community?

I see several resellers have pulled the AE from sale and are offering full refunds for proof of destruction. This is a much more appropriate response than deflection and false equivalencies.

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
The Frolic is set to be released soon... (I was going to get one...but I am going to pause on it.) I am hesitant to buy anything. This controversy should open our eyes and we should demand to see what the vape looks like inside and what everything is made out of before the consumer buys. I think it is only fair to know what you are allowing to enter your body...

You're newer, but this is a seemingly well regarded established company, in the e-cig world, that aside, that has always been a common opinion, and even debate with FC members over the last decades here... So some manufacturers have done that as requested, others not so much, or enough for some to accept, but not other individuals as these personal preferences all vary so much. That being said we'll have to keep an eye on this one regardless as any new product, tends to draw scrutiny here on FC especially, but these talks or fears based on another current situation with a completely different company... are largely off topic irrelevant imo (they are relevant only in the sense that, this should always be a concern, as I was trying to explain above perhaps not so well as I freshly dabbed lol for me that's become fast simplest ultimate purity lately! Edit: case in point I thought we were in the frolic thread so my comments here now are completely in reference to limelight btw)

Grass Yes

Staff member
why can we wait for the facts all to come out?
I can assert quite clearly that I don't want fiberglass anywhere in my vape for any purpose. I don't care how well the manufacturer says it is sealed. As you can see from the history of this issue, YLL covered it up and deflected for months. I see no reason to trust them now and every reason to distrust anyone running interference for them.

Señor Negro

Well-Known Member
This is exactly why i shared the link on my first post and what i talked about.
It is ok to not to want glass fiber and inform people, but, at least, use updated info about the material, pls.
Because that reddit post is rehash of rehash.

Actually that post offers interesting information from users sharing how they are getting refunds for their AE from retailers. And more pics of a disasembled unit.
It's quite useful in my opinion.

We don't need updated info about the material from users, what we really need is more info from Yllvape that so far has avoided giving proper explanations.


Well-Known Member
you don't trust me for asking for vapor testing and for independent experts to make their test public? you accused me of deflection and false equivalencies, i know for a fact fiberglass is in the air in almost every household we breath-in that shit daily and have been for most of our lives. that's just as important as unproven statements that FG is in the vapor we stuck up. the fact some units early on have fiberglass inside seal unit is not a good thing but as long as i'm not exposed to it, it is not an full scale 'over the top' emergency. problem is being dealt with. so we need to punish them? if i'm sucking in fiberglass then i'm on board and be outraged like you seem to be, if not i'll wait for my replacement and be disappoint it took a user to find out fg was used in the first batch and get a aerolite
In regards to the manufacturer, trust is easily lost and hard to regain. There should be consequences for the dishonesty and cover ups. I know I personally will never buy one of their products.


Actually that post offers interesting information from users sharing how they are getting refunds for their AE from retailers. And more pics of a disasembled unit.
It's quite useful in my opinion.

We don't need updated info about the material from users, what we really need is more info from Yllvape that so far has avoided giving proper explanations.
Thanks for highlighting the exact reasons why I posted the Reddit link.

Yllvape need to provide an update asap but it hasn't happened yet, on Reddit you can view from wider communities who might share important info way before Yllvape.
At the moment them boys are still selling the AE on their website...
Guess they really stand behind their product.

Are some still missing the whole point and still continuing to downplay the issue. Even after post kindly explained 😂 why bleach doesn't belong in a bong.. please read the room, or the internet... The concern is not up for debate. Trust is lost.

I jumped the gun and I'd happily do it again.. sorry not waiting on lab results when common sense is so readily available... The lab result will just confirm in numbers 'how' bad it is... I already know that it's bad. Others who've had similar experience know it's bad...

@Shit Snacks has posted in detail about safety concerns with previous Angus...

I guess everyone around the world is being over the top and unfair to Yllvape, afterall it's just cotton candy people.. lol.


SEARCH for the treasure...
asking for vapor testing and for independent experts to make their test public?

While I have “no horse in this race”, I felt I should respond. While I agree in principle to what you said, the sad fact that one would have to ask, is who is doing this testing? Is the testing lab, a true 3rd party that could be trusted?
Who would be paying for “vapor purity” testing, etc., etc. Not much of any of this has been applied to weed vaporization devices, as it costs money.

I think we sometimes forget, that most of these and other products are now mostly made in China. And while companies with big budgets, like Apple can afford to pay the premium to have top notch Chinese manufacturing, many if not most Chinese products are “built to a price point”. And corners are cut to meet that price.
Unfortunately, Chinese manufacturing, in general does not have to adhere to the kind of standards we are used to with electronics made in countries that have SAFTY STANDARDS, and laws to enforce them.
Fake and misleading labels on batteries and products are almost the norm now, as there are few if any legal penalties for such potentially dangerous products. Often, many refer to these smaller Chinese and other similar countries landscape as the “wild west “. Good luck trying to sue them when you have lung issues…

So with no penalties, they push the envelope on corner cutting, again to meet the price point. As most Americans desired and demanded paying the least, this is one of the downsides. Profits first! Not the health of strangers in another country.

As far as this company, I had my reservations from the beginning, some based on the tech they were using, but mostly not a long enough history for me to be confident in. I’m certainly glad others jumped in, that’s when the feedback begins. But I’m certainly sorry for those that spent their hard earned money to discover these recent issues. But I’ve personally been down this same road more than I’d want to admit to. I used to jump at any new technology I could afford, but the environment has changed dramatically in the last 10 years or so, that I’ve learned my lessons. I either stick to known companies with a good track record, or try to buy bullet proof products that aren’t on the “bleeding edge” of technology. Waiting for others to be the test subjects, may sound harsh, but I’ve lead the charge before, and it’s a gamble I try to avoid now.

If you have VAS, take a step back, do more research, and be patient. Let others blaze the path. I’m in no way surprised at this outcome, though again, I certainly have sympathy for those first or second time user/customers having to go through this. Had it happened to me enough, that it hardened me, and made me much more selective in ALL the products I consider buying. Personally, I’d do what I could to recoup my money, but certainly wouldn’t risk my UNPROTECTED LUNGS, with this device. Sometimes you have to take the “L” = LOSS, I have more times then I wished.

So sorry to all, but look at the drama with those that paid for devices that never came. I won’t bother making the list in this post, but if you lurk on FC, you can read current threads of even worse….

Be SMART, and more importantly, be SAFE!
Money can come and go, but your most valuable possession is your HEALTH, don’t gamble with it.

BTW: Don’t feel sorry for this company, if they end up suddenly disappearing, within a short time they might appear again, with new names, and different products, unfortunately this is easy in China.

Grass Yes

Staff member
I don't think it is fibreglass. It looked and felt odd to me (for fibreglass) when I opened mine up. I think it is actually Ceramic Fibre Insulation. I am not saying it is better, it might be worse according to a quick Google search. I mention it in the interest of accuracy.
At this point it's on YLL to confirm, but they have called it "glass fiber insulation" a few places. Either way, it's been confirmed in all versions currently out there.


In the context of an inhalation device like the Yllvape Angus Enhanced, ceramic fiber insulation is a far greater health hazard than fiberglass. Its carcinogenic potential, tendency to break down into inhalable particles, and interaction with high heat make it an extremely dangerous material for this application.

Regardless, neither material should be used in an inhalation device, as both pose unacceptable risks to consumer health.

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Tbh I think it should be made into a much bigger issue than it at the moment is. Like, newsarticle level of issue, even if turns out to be no real health hazard at the end. The news sites would love it because of the drama and the clicks, the people get warned, just in case, and the company gets its deserved negative exposure
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Well-Known Member
The Frolic is set to be released soon... (I was going to get one...but I am going to pause on it.)
If I'm not mistaken the manufacturer already talked about their intention to post a breakdown to their potential customers (and us), and they seem to be very open and cooperative about their product (I think they even were the ones who brought it up?).

No need to be scared and project the unfaithness to other manufacturers blindly (not saying u did, just noting), but IMO this scenario is a lesson for all of us to be careful, petient and do research, even and because of hypes like the AE had. Ngl I do get some Gpen Elite vibes here.

Radwin Bodnic

Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker


Well-Known Member
Just discovered it on YouTube...
Now they even call me stupid.

I don't care... I don't want anything like that in my vaporizer.
I liked (past tense) that channel but that's a fucked up take as is his focusing on "not carcinogenic" which is simply not the concern, same with his irrelevant and stupid comparison with FG in helmets & similar items.

Is this guy a shill for YLL?


Well-Known Member
Just discovered it on YouTube...
Now they even call me stupid.

I don't care... I don't want anything like that in my vaporizer.
That person has long lost credibility to me, but I’m sure it doesn’t matter to them. I find it interesting how they ignore the fact that the material in the AE is heated to a high temp passively, whereas other products they compare to aren’t necessarily experiencing the same conditions which are of concern here. Also glosses over the less than honest position the company has taken, and just seems like a shill at this point. It’s ok to not take issue with what others do, but it’s mind boggling that they’d invest time in making a video like that if there weren’t some other incentive. to each their own.
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