asking for vapor testing and for independent experts to make their test public?
While I have “no horse in this race”, I felt I should respond. While I agree in principle to what you said, the sad fact that one would have to ask, is who is doing this testing? Is the testing lab, a true 3rd party that could be trusted?
Who would be paying for “vapor purity” testing, etc., etc. Not much of any of this has been applied to weed vaporization devices, as it costs money.
I think we sometimes forget, that most of these and other products are now mostly made in China. And while companies with big budgets, like Apple can afford to pay the premium to have top notch Chinese manufacturing, many if not most Chinese products are “built to a price point”. And corners are cut to meet that price.
Unfortunately, Chinese manufacturing, in general does not have to adhere to the kind of standards we are used to with electronics made in countries that have SAFTY STANDARDS, and laws to enforce them.
Fake and misleading labels on batteries and products are almost the norm now, as there are few if any legal penalties for such potentially dangerous products. Often, many refer to these smaller Chinese and other similar countries landscape as the “wild west “. Good luck trying to sue them when you have lung issues…
So with no penalties, they push the envelope on corner cutting, again to meet the price point. As most Americans desired and demanded paying the least, this is one of the downsides. Profits first! Not the health of strangers in another country.
As far as this company, I had my reservations from the beginning, some based on the tech they were using, but mostly not a long enough history for me to be confident in. I’m certainly glad others jumped in, that’s when the feedback begins. But I’m certainly sorry for those that spent their hard earned money to discover these recent issues. But I’ve personally been down this same road more than I’d want to admit to. I used to jump at any new technology I could afford, but the environment has changed dramatically in the last 10 years or so, that I’ve learned my lessons. I either stick to known companies with a good track record, or try to buy bullet proof products that aren’t on the “bleeding edge” of technology. Waiting for others to be the test subjects, may sound harsh, but I’ve lead the charge before, and it’s a gamble I try to avoid now.
If you have VAS, take a step back, do more research, and be patient. Let others blaze the path. I’m in no way surprised at this outcome, though again, I certainly have sympathy for those first or second time user/customers having to go through this. Had it happened to me enough, that it hardened me, and made me much more selective in ALL the products I consider buying. Personally, I’d do what I could to recoup my money, but certainly wouldn’t risk my UNPROTECTED LUNGS, with this device. Sometimes you have to take the “L” = LOSS, I have more times then I wished.
So sorry to all, but look at the drama with those that paid for devices that never came. I won’t bother making the list in this post, but if you lurk on FC, you can read current threads of even worse….
Be SMART, and more importantly, be SAFE!
Money can come and go, but your most valuable possession is your HEALTH, don’t gamble with it.
BTW: Don’t feel sorry for this company, if they end up suddenly disappearing, within a short time they might appear again, with new names, and different products, unfortunately this is easy in China.