Evolv is really the best. My order from Sunday night (last night) shipped this morning. They sent me an email with its tracking number.
Even more wonderful, they included a couple of the gizmos used to clean the glass tube in the mouthpiece. Over the weekend, before I placed the order on Sunday night, I sent a question to Evolv on their web site asking how to order the gizmos. Fearing I'd miss out on the blem orders again if I waited for an answer, I just ordered the blem (and a spare chimney assembly and tub kit and the [free] storage pucks) on Sunday night. I also added a note in the order asking how I could purchase the cleaning gizmos.
Monday morning at 10am I get the shipping notice.
Monday morning at 11am I get and answer to my web site question: "send an email to
sales@evolvapor.com and they will help you". So I send an email to Sales at 11:45am asking.
Half an hour later at 12:15pm I get an answer from Ken in Sales telling me he saw my note in the order and included a couple of the gizmos.
This kind of rapid, positive response and help is a rare commodity.
Thanks btka, I watched that video before I ordered (along with the other three).

Since there weren't any close-ups it's hard to tell, but it looks like she just scraped the dab tool on the side of the mesh to remove the concentrate. Repeatedly scraping a metal dab tool on the side of the mesh just doesn't strike me as a great idea. And my gooey concentrates won't come off the tool quite as easily as seen in the video. This is why I asked about how strong the mesh was and how everyone was putting their dabs on the mesh. The mesh may be strong enough to withstand scraping concentrate off a metal dab tool, and my concerns may be unfounded, but I wanted to hear from those with some actual experience.