You're welcome. My bet is the issue you're seeing has to do with the laptop's port not being able to supply full charging current. ESV will happily gobble up more than an Amp (mine runs about 1.08 A). Minimum spec for USB ports is half that, give or take. Some (like laptops) with run time issues are even less. Normally this simply slows charging, but the buzz could be nothing more than the protection circuit kicking in and out and in and out and.....
You might try charging using the wall wort supplied? Mine is only half an Amp, but it's quiet....... I plug mine into the computer to check. Charging does such down on it's own of course.
Best wishes.
I don't think that's the problem, I have been charging and using my unit at the same time using my laptop a lot of times before this one without any problem.
It seems like that buzz had to do something with the orange led. Just once of the multiple times I have been trying conecting the unit to my laptop the orange led started working and the "buzz" was again there. Really weird...
Edit: My unit doesn't charge anymore. It's stuck at 50%

I don't want to try to use it, but it seems like the charging "circuit" is dead althought the unit seems to work if I try to hit it. It seems like I will have to write an e-mail to Joe... It's a shame because I was really enjoying this unit, it has everything I wanted in a portable vape. Vapor on demand, nice tastefull hits and I can use it everywhere... I'm really going to miss this vape

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