Quick one for you sasNW. Is the solo vapor harsher than the sv? On high temps? The vapor path seems so short.. And would you consider this unit 100% cleanable to pass borders?
Tx a lot for your multiple contributions btw, you make this vape look awesome
On low temps I would say they are equivalent, but somehow on higher temps the SV actually has cooler vapor! IMO
I have no idea how this is accomplished but I am able to take my bud to the edge of combustion if I want and feel no need for a water tool of any kind. There is zero throat irritation for me at any temp, with my solo I would get throat irritation at anything above level 5.
About the cleaning. Personally I would say yes I would feel comfortable taking this through customs after a cleaning. But there is only one tiny issue-
While the vapor path, bowl, lid, heater are all able to become 100% brand new in 5 minutes of cleaning.
But There is a small hole under the heater where the air comes through from the bottom half of the unit, which houses the electronics. That is the only part you are not allowed to disassemble or it can void the warranty. This hole is seen here- sorry for the iPhone pic, but the hole where the 2 rods come up to attach to the heater is also the hole the air comes through as well. The hole is only about 1/2" X 1/4" so not much will fall down at all
So when you brush off the sensor some "dust" can fall down in that hole. I talked with Joe about this and he said just normal inhaling will blow the particles out from the bottom half and back into the bottom screen. But for travel I asked if we could take it a step further with compressed air. He said as long as it's low psi(well under 50psi) you can blow out all that dust for a new 100% clean SV! IMO safe for travel wherever, but of course YMMV. Just thought I should fully cover it, because no one wants to mess up bringing a vape on a plane