So here is my quick review of my first couple days with my smartvape. I apologize in advance for how long this "quick" review got.
Right out of the gate I was very surprised by how small this thing is. Not sure the reports on it not being pocketable, I can easily fit the SV and 2 Jyarz in the front pocket my my regular blue jeans and roll around all day like that. Here are a few pics comparing it to an iPhone 5. Definitely way thicker but if you aren't wearing skinny jeans I can't imagine this being an issue
And one compared to a Jyarz
By far the best "sneak-a-toke" type vape I've ever seen. I can blow out 2-3 solid clouds on my way to check the mail, through the parking lot, at work

without a second glance
You can tell some serious thought was put into the design to get so much into such a small box. Here are pictures of it being disassembled piece by piece
Ready to puff-
Magnetic bowl top off(ready to load) sans mouthpiece-(notice serial#9

Top off to clean sensor(takes 2 screws) and top of bowl screen off for cleaning(1 screw)-
Completely disassembled to clean vapor path and screen above heater (2 more screw)-
Very easy and quick to clean, anything needed can be soaked in ISO with no problems.the sensor just takes a quick brush off, but really only seems like it will be necessary once, maybe twice a week depending on use.
Now to the usage-
I will start off with saying that this is not going to evenly cook a whole bowl through like the solo without some stirrin if you are about efficiency this thing is the best I've personally used, but if you are only a cloud-chaser it will take a bit of work to blow fatty clouds ALL the time. There is no technique to blowing a few clouds, just inhale and that is it(so cool) but there is technique necessary to evenly vape a whole bowl. After thinking about it, it doesn't seem like much to ask given everything else this can do in such a small package IMO. So far I've been getting nice even color with a fine grind, semi packed bowl, and having to stir 1-2 times with a poker and 1-3 quick finger stirs, also given the fact that the bowl is so accessible it takes no time at all to check on the bowl and stir(even say, in a moving car alone

)the bowl was a bit smaller then I thought being perhaps a hair larger then a PVHeS for the solo, but being so efficient it can last me a good bit of a working day. While I was at about 3-4solo stems per work day Im about half that with my SV! To get to the same level anyway, currently using more just because this thing is so damn fun to use.
The battery also well outdoes my solo and pnp as far as longevity (I would say twice the PnP and maybe 30% over the solo(total guesstimate) , lasting me a 12 hour work day including 4 hours of driving so I was puffing on it a lot more then I would have with the others. I never feel comfortable starting a "session" style vape driving in traffic near Seattle that's for sure. But the SV on the other hand sits loaded with a sativa bowl packed with kief at the ready literally any time you have 10 seconds! Easily worth the money for the driving part alone for me.
The taste- far better then I expected personally! You only taste the bud plain and simple. Not as delicious as my ceramic bowl solo, but honestly I would say even or slightly behind the ss bowl solo I had. But you do get the popcorn taste faster then in the solo's. But it is still miles ahead the vapor of the PnP, not even in the same class IMO. The biggest surprise is the coolness of the vapor, even at my high set levels it is perfectly cool

Unless you combust of course haha, which can happen! Twice to me so far, both times trying to get the very last bit of my meds without stirring. So like I said before you will have to pay a bit of attention to how the bowl is cooking, fortunately with its pure taste you can tell when a stir is needed by the slight popcorn taste starting.
The app is just badass IMO, I love being able to have the vape hooked up, change a setting and instantly and take a puff and trying the new level without waiting for any heat up or cool down time. Just the flip of the switch

No need to unplug or click the save button, it changes the heat setting in the vape as you are doing it in the computer for an instant test. I was told by Joe at Elevape that it is ok to puff on it while charging because it will automatically stop charging and heat up, then go back to charging when your puff is done. He also said they are working on it being able to heat and charge at the same time, the vape already has what's needed they just need to finish figuring out the software and they will update it! So cool to be able to simply download improvements. Which leads me to my last point, the people at Elevape- I have been dealing with Joe who was suggested earlier, he has been super easy to deal with, quick to respond to my questions (a shit ton of them), and genuinely seems to want to improve this vape and help everyone in the meantime

My dealings have been nothing but great so far with them
All in all I am I'm loving this vape and the fact it has given me the ability to deliciously vape flowers ANYWHERE! And by the length of this big ass post you can tell it has me at a very medicated level so far today

Sorry again for how huge this review got, but I'm stoked if you couldn't tell, and if anyone has any questions for me feel free to ask.