Me and my torched ash are high as fuck! (Pun intended) Not mentally high just physically unfortunately.
I was among others whom had the pleasure and the honor to beta test this magnificent vape. Though my original didn't make it past beta but hey that's the point right? Some of you have already seen my beta unit, it was in the video Ed had posted.
Not only did I beta test one of these beasts but I spent the weekend with the man himself. Learned a lot from this guy right here and had tons of fun! It just so happened to be the launch weekend, that was just lucky planning lol. I've seen first hand what goes into the WS and boy is this a freakin deal!
On top of this unit I will be getting my hands on a buckeye package. Some of you know I'm a buckeye guy through and through. Even if I can't vape anymore I'm getting for when I can, probably in 31 1/2 years once I'm retired lol. It's that great in my opinion.
Well you guys and gals better swoop these bad boys up before they're gone!
Congrats Ed and thank you for everything brother. You've done it my man! Now the real work begins, keeping up with the orders lol.