Fucking Combustion (mostly) Since February 2017
On a rattlecan to save flavour and doubles to ease the restriction,
View attachment 6297
I keep telling myself that I need a Rattlecan, but haven't gotten around to ordering one yet.
On a rattlecan to save flavour and doubles to ease the restriction,
View attachment 6297
I most commonly use a side-car with matrix perc. Here's a pic of mine that I took a while back, with a tall drink of vapor, ready to be inhaled
In my experience the woodscents is the bottleneck for draw restriction, regardless of the waterpiece. I've never tried a recycler but honestly I'm surprised you could move enough air through it to get it to function properly.
I've tried a few different setups including using whips, my daily is a low-volume 10" beaker. I have a larger 15" piece I like to use for bigger hits / quicker extractions.
On a rattlecan to save flavour and doubles to ease the restriction,
I keep telling myself that I need a Rattlecan, but haven't gotten around to ordering one yet.
@grogazolaHas anyone any experiences with non-dimpled glass stems? I’m thinking of picking up an aristocrat stem from sneaky pete as they’re on sale...
Aristocrat Stem for DynaVap
The Aristocrat Stem for DynaVap Vaporizers brings 90mm of added length and sophistication to your DynaVap experience. Available in seven striking colors.www.sneakypetestore.com
the WS accepts any Dynavap's Tip**** . you get glass,wooden stem,wooden wpa when you purchase a WSHello fellow log vape enthusiasts. I'm interested in adding one of Ed's Woodscents to my collection of Heat Island (HI) and Underdog (UD) logs already in my possession. My questions have to do with cross-fuctionality...
I like the fact that I can use the same roasting stems with the HI and UD logs that I currently (I know the choices in stems can start to get pretty diverse, but I'm just using standard sizes of glass and/or wooden stems/tubes for the HI and UD, and they are pretty much interchangeable between those vapes).
Can anyone tell me if Ed's Woodscentss vapes can also be used with those same stems I'm using for the HI/UD? Or would it require that I only use specific stems designed for Eds Woodscents? Thanks
Thanks for the info. I was doing a bit more reading here and see what youre saying about the DV tip. What I’m asking about is basically using the WS with just a glass tube/stem without any tip.... The UD and HI logs I mentioned earlier both use pretty standard 14mm glass tubes that mate with / go over the heating element in the log.The Woodscents also comes with a couple of glass stems that can be used with an o ring on the heater. The inner diameter is larger than a DV tips, but not by a ton. Unless the UD or HI stems are in the same ballpark you'd need to invest in at least a DV tip that fit.
I have one Ti tip that has the screen falling out quite often due to the poor QC (purchased the tip only in this case from Sneaky Pete when chasing gen 4 tips)the inner diameter is theoretically an area they don't care about.
@Hagbard Celine Ed includes a standard glass stem in the package, which uses a basket screen and an o-ring over the heater to form a seal. I don't know if the glass stem is the same diameter as what the HI/UD use, though.
What’s your preferred fit again? What should I look for in a tip that fits well? I have a few spare I bought locally and they’re fine but I’d like to learn about everyone’s preferences.My concern is that it’s going to be harder and harder to find tips that actually fit properly on the WS heater. The only tips I’ve had that fit right were the ones I got direct from Ed.
Thanks, how many tips (and stems) have you accumulated?@grogazola I prefer a loose fit that allows me to insert and remove the stem with no resistance, and easily rotate it on the heater while taking a hit.