Hey, all. So. I got my Woodscents lite kit today and I’m loving it, sooo much. My favorite combo so far is pairing the Ti-tip with my Simrell vortex—so nice! And I’ve also been getting great hits with my water piece and wpa. So far I’m very happy with my purchase. I spent a lot of thought on weather I’d go with this or a Tinymight. No regrets on my decision.
I do have a question. I’ve been loading my dynavap tips, after packing down verrry lightly, about two thirds full, so as to leave some empty space so the herb doesn’t touch the heater screen/cover. I recall reading though that I could use it with a fully filled dynavap tip, and that I’d have to lower that heater screen/cover so it sits down lower. Well, my heater screen now is sits lower so that’s done. But it seems a fully packed dynavap tip would still allow the herb to directly touch the heater walls when placed on the heater. Is this fine and what is supposed to happen when using a full dynavap tip? Or is what I’m am already doing, loading the tip 60-70% full, considered a full pack when using the dynavap tips with the woodscents?
Also, any tips on getting the densest vapor possible would be appreciated! Although I’ve been getting very nice vapor already on the first day.
Happy to be part of the Woodscents fam