Unknown Member
Nano, UD, and HI? Trifecta. How about it @SSVUN~YAH ??Nice thank's. I just have to wait a bit till i get to try it with 3 log's.
Nano, UD, and HI? Trifecta. How about it @SSVUN~YAH ??Nice thank's. I just have to wait a bit till i get to try it with 3 log's.
Using mine everyday for months.Man, my D020-D finally arrived from China yesterday
I can't believe I haven't pictured that on the 4way! Great idea will get one tonight!Nano, UD, and HI? Trifecta. How about it @SSVUN~YAH ??
Don't forget Vapman.......I can't believe I haven't pictured that on the 4way! Great idea will get one tonight!
Do they even make 5 way adapters lol? Might have to contact V&CDon't forget Vapman.......![]()
Could add a few "Y" adapters but I agree V&C is the ticket!Do they even make 5 way adapters lol? Might have to contact V&C![]()
Stack two of those claisen's be done with it. LolCould add a few "Y" adapters but I agree V&C is the ticket!
How bout a flip book? Lol, I just started doing pics after two years of membership, vids might be that or more. Plus my phone is LD, no not LG its...@SSVUN~YAH you should make a video with that setup
Lol! That is a pretty shot!Got milk?
I'd say yes!
Lol! That is a pretty shot!
It's from GC Forums
I usually use my nano through water, after getting a nasty sore throat a couple times from high heat on the straight stem... but has it been settled yet, as to what exactly (and how much) water filtration removes from cannabis vapor? The flavor definitely suffers, so that means terpenes at least are significantly affected, right?
Sometimes massive vaporbong rips just don't hit as hard as they seem they ought to...
So lately I decided to try something new: only filling my bong to just under the end of the downstem (when held in 'hit position'), so that the vapor doesn't quite bubble through the lukewarm water. Compared to a stem, it catches lots of particles, gives no throat irritation and lets me see how much vapor I'm getting. Compared to water filtration, it gives better flavor, it's disconcertingly quiet, and I think it delivers a stronger/fuller effect... but I couldn't say for sure.
Any thoughts??
Hey now,
I just finished a test run with my new (got it today) cherry nano.
Very,very impressed, but the NANO NATION knew I would be impressed. I hope you guys are smiling
while you read this because I am.
Indulge me.
I use the Solo's below daily. Evens out the battery use. Typical session is 140mg dry, finely ground,
kief, leaf, wood, all of it.
Lasts perfect for one cycle (12 minutes) at level 3 thru 5 or combo depending on needs.
This new nano, 50mg of finely ground on the screen (factory set up), 1st try, level 6, kaboom,
nice tasty vapor, that familiar feeling hits in 5-6 minutes.
Stressing the taste, with my Solo grind, no less.
Moving forward, I definitely can use (or not) that silver thing with the teeth properly, instead of
just within the lid.
So up until today, my metric has been 100 Solo Stems/GonGs per 1/2oz.
Realizing roughly half of those stems don't need to be portable. Wow. 280% improvement on at
least 7g and I don't have to waste battery power to figure out smaller loads because I have a nano now.
Last thing:
So, I'm going to load up another 50mg in a sec and I'm looking at this piece of art, this piece of
electronic cherrywood, and I'm all vaked and it hits me....cherry oh, cherry oh, baby
don't you know I'm in need of thee..if you don't believe it's true
what have you left me to long I've been waiting
for you to come right in..and now that we are together
please make my joy run over....
AVB out
ps. NATION, i know it's corny but I had to
pss. a wink & a nod to to eric d. and ub40, yep that's how old old I am...
Eyeing a new vape. I have a bunch of portables but want a monster desktop unit. The e nano is a finalist.
I have a d020d on the way, the orbiter and some other glass. I have the mflb, solo, v2s3 pax l and an air. the mflb is essentially a clunky desktop unit now because I use it with the power adapter and orbiter. I keep it because it's the only on demand vape that I have.
Anyways, are there any accessories that do not come with the unit that I will need or are highly recommended?
I wouldn't say great, I can't wait til @Ratchett completes the clamp, that will be great!
OK!As @Enchantre said the other day, LESS IS MORE! Very true with many aspects of the nano. I've tried (and still play with) my nano just about every way you can think of. Small loads, big loads, high heat, low heat, big bubbler, small bubbler, no bubbler, flowers, hash, concentrates - and everything in between! All are great, but my favorite for my daily sesh is a very small load of flowers (2 - 3 hits) at 6.25, on a bubbler that doesn't bubble too much, with just enough water to function. This has been my favorite for more than a year now. I love the effects, but think you can get them with a variety of setups. What keeps this method my favorite is the flavor! Ohhhhh the sweet flavor!
IMO all loads lose flavor after first 2 hits. Sometimes first is best, sometimes second, but by third things are usually starting to drop off. More diffusion and more water usually will also steal flavor (though this D-Cycler doesn't seem as affected - but fancy bubbs like this are for another discussion). YMMV, but my best bang for the buck is to rough grind up about .25 - .5 gram in a 2 piece grinder. Use the notch on the e-pik to set your screen. Draw just a little into the GonG (about thickness of a nickle, maybe less). Warm the nano up somewhere between 6 - 6.5 (depending on your nano, your stash, your preference). Set your bubbler up with just enough water to perc. If you are using any type of dewar joint bubb (top center GonG), keep the water just a tad more than half way up the perc. It will look too low, but when you draw the water on inside of perc will come out, optimally to the top of perc. Put your nano up on there and draw slowly and smoothly, just barely creating bubbles. Pull the GonG and clear. Repeat hit, stir, pull one more (if not spent do one more), stir, dump, blow it clean and load another.
There are MANY other ways to use this puppy, and most are fun and efficient. But, this method works great, tastes great and will conserve your material very well. One caveat.... if you are quick with going through the load and reloading, take a break after two or three loads and let things settle in. I've got on a roll more than a few times and by the time I'm on that 4th or 5th load, the first is just settling in. Not much to do then but sit back and grin!! Think it has been a while and seeing many new names here, so probably time to suggest this vid again... Caligula's 2 hit extraction. If you haven't tried it, you owe it to yourself to give it a whirl. It was a game changer for me after I had been using my nano daily for about a year. Don't get caught up in how big of hits he takes (or loads). Adjust to your own sensible ability and try to keep loads to 2 or 3 hits. He also has some other good vaping vids and a few with nano.
Glad you are enjoying it! I also have a cherry nano, and that song often goes through my head - though it is usually the Stones version. I know... Brit white guy reggae, but it's the Stones!
Think you're on your way to a great choice! nano is tough to beat for the price. Looks like @hafalump gave you quite a list. All great stuff, and never a bad idea to load up your order to save on shipping (and waiting)! All you really need is a GonG to fit your bubb (18mm for D020D and most others). I always pick up screens with everything I order. Have only killed a few, but like having spares and still think they are a great deal at $1 each (5 for $4.95). The nano comes stock with a straight (dry) stem. I think Andy will swap that out for a GonG if you ask (make sure you get a response!), but think it is good to have both in your kit. Dry can be very nice, especially at lower heat to check out a new strain - or to get a buzz but not be stoned if you have shit to do. If you're prone to breaking glass - might be a good idea to pick up a spare of each while you're there. Many have had issues with dropping or otherwise breaking GonGs. But, they do hold up well if you don't abuse them. I've never had one break (though if not for carpet and wood floors I probably would have!).
Yes it is...GSC amazing in the NANO!
Any of you guys travel/fly with your Nanos?
When I do I typically only take a clean stock stem and put screens elsewhere, but I am considering shipping ahead of me from now on.
I think the Nano is of little notice to security, what do you all think?
I always ship my stuff when traveling. I vacuum seal anything that I think may have a smell on it (so pretty much everything) and then ship it via USPS Priority Mail. I have never had any issues and I've done this probably 20+ times in the past couple yearsAny of you guys travel/fly with your Nanos?
When I do I typically only take a clean stock stem and put screens elsewhere, but I am considering shipping ahead of me from now on.
I think the Nano is of little notice to security, what do you all think?
Nano, UD, and HI? Trifecta. How about it @SSVUN~YAH ??
Oh fuck, I done riled up the Nano-Nation! They're gonna send out the Burl-Boys and the Afzelia Mafia to take me out.
They are gonna fit me wit some Chechen boots.