
Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
I don't think I've got the technique right. I'm hardly getting any smoke unless it's on 8.75+

What am I doing wrong? I'm just using the nano stem, no water attachments or anything.

8.75+ should be close to combusting!

Is the wood on your nano warm? I find the best performance when the nano has been set to a temperature and left to run long enough for the outside to get very warm to the touch (sometimes 20-30 minutes from a cold start). Sometimes I have trouble producing clouds if I crank it up from 4 (idle setting) to 6.5 - I need to let it adjust to the new temperature before I can really milk the Nano.

Secondly - how far is the basket screen from your nano port? as @TeeJay1952 stated - use the notch on your Epik to gauge the proper distance of the screen to the top of the stem.


I just got my enano on saturday so I am no expert. I have been going 7.5 tops on my D020 and I can bump it up to 8-8.25ish when using my M&M tech + ash catcher. I will hopefully post a video or two here soon
Once mine is warmed up I use it at level 6.5 - 6.75

8.0 when I turn it on in the morning.
After my Wake & Vake session I turn it down and leave it on 3.5 and 15 minute before my next session I put it on 6.75 and adjust down.

6.5 when the cure on the flower is perfect!

Moist Flower Colas I turn it up!
Your flower should be at 62% moisture more or less.
Using your Epick measure to the first indent and use chopstick to push screen up to that point.
I'll try that, thanks. At the moment the screen is about 1cm past the indent.

Is your material dry or moist?

It's dry, though I have no idea of quality.

8.75+ should be close to combusting!

Is the wood on your nano warm? I find the best performance when the nano has been set to a temperature and left to run long enough for the outside to get very warm to the touch (sometimes 20-30 minutes from a cold start). Sometimes I have trouble producing clouds if I crank it up from 4 (idle setting) to 6.5 - I need to let it adjust to the new temperature before I can really milk the Nano.

Secondly - how far is the basket screen from your nano port? as @TeeJay1952 stated - use the notch on your Epik to gauge the proper distance of the screen to the top of the stem.

I've been leaving the nano to warm up for anything from 10 to 30 minutes. It's definitely better when it's warmed up, but still not getting clouds of *vapour (*thank you max!).

I'm going to try moving the screen. I've never used bongs or anything like that, so I really thought it might just be something wrong with my draw technique.
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Your flower should be at 62% moisture more or less.

Wow. How do I establish that? Sounds complicated and like it needs expensive equipment?

That may be your problem - sounds like your material is too far away from the heat exhaust. when loaded, your flowers should sit about 1mm away from the heat.

How on earth did I manage to forget that rule? I've been scouring this forum, and have read this thread from start to finish! Must've overloaded my brain with research.

Thank you everyone. It's good here!


Wow. How do I establish that? Sounds complicated and like it needs expensive equipment?

How on earth did I manage to forget that rule? I've been scouring this forum, and have read this thread from start to finish! Must've overloaded my brain with research.

Thank you everyone. It's good here!
moisture packs are pretty cheap!


Are you plugged into a powerstrip with other devices?

Plug it in it's own socket or a breaker with little load on it.

Good Luck!
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Gray Area

Well-Known Member
I have to have mine on 7 max or I'm charring my load. That's with the load at 2-3 mm's from the heat port.

Like others I tend to knock it down to 6.5 -6.75 and run it there once it's hot. Wet or dry...

I'm using UK power supply with a step down inverter so might have something to do with the variation.

Still experimenting though...


I'm with you Gray and Ataxian, nearly always median point is 6.5...slight adjustments are sometimes needed for differently cured buds and strains but I never go above 7 as a pretty steadfast rule, nor below 6. I find that using essential oils in the same range on cotton works really well too.

These numbers are after the Nano has been fully warmed up to temp equalibrium. I love my Nano!


I'm with you Gray and Ataxian, nearly always median point is 6.5...slight adjustments are sometimes needed for differently cured buds and strains but I never go above 7 as a pretty steadfast rule, nor below 6. I find that using essential oils in the same range on cotton works really well too.

These numbers are after the Nano has been fully warmed up to temp equilibrium. I love my Nano!
8 is when the NANO is dead cold!
6.5 - 6.75 is standard!


Well-Known Member
I turn it on and wait 15 minutes to heat to 7.
If that seems like a long time I do leave it on for the next 8 hours or so a 15 min heat up seems small in comparison.


I was meaning that @ataxian says he starts from a cold start @ 8. Was wondering how long he could go before 8 starts to become too hot for vapor and does he progress to lower numbers as the nano preheats.

After I read it I knew I'd phrased it wrong.
I had the NANO off for a week!
This past weekend I broke a stem for water path. I found a back up. This morning my NANO was cold!
After 30 minutes I turned her back to 6.5 and back in business!
8 is too high.
I was desparate has I had my last load of GSC with my favorite water pipe and NANO!


@ataxian you always upload awesome pics of the nano and are always using it. Could we get some vids of you and your crazy glass setup?
I've been watching Snoop on YouTube.
I always listen to old rock from the 60's & 70 ' however Snoop Dog/Lion videos are very nice!
OK the New Batch of Cherry Pie flowers loaded in a NANO helps matters!
I have 20 or more set ups!
This week I'm using my largest water rig and a 18×14 downstem.
I have this big hydro tube I'll setup tomorrow!
Video I want to get into!
Every picture tells a story!
However video is art in motion!
I'll try!
The NANO is a flavor master!
Right wrong or in different that's my story!


I have a few different thoughts/questions:

I have been catching up on the thread and reading a good bit of talk over the suggested depth of the screen and using the E-pic notch as a guide. While I think this is an excellent starting point, there is more to this discussion that I think is equally as relevant.

I find the height of the screen less important than recognizing how to put in the right amount of material to leave just a tiny noticeable gap between your material and the top of the heating element. To test the theory, I have been adjusting the screen distance while varying the amount of material to maintain the same distance between the material and the top of the heating element. Results are nearly identical in terms of the color of the extracted material (larger loads required some stirring).

So my questions to you all are, how much material are you all putting in? Would anyone care to share a picture or two? What you all find is the "minimum" amount required to get a decent pull?

I have only had my Nano since the 15th of last month, and after receiving it I made a few comments of not finding any success with the all glass screen GonG and have since been using it dry.

Well I decided to finally try it again last night but was met with utter disappointment. This time, on the very first load the GonG settled onto the Nano and would not let go. Not wanting the GonG to cool and shrink, I left it plugged in and pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled. Until finally, the Gong broke free from my Nano. Broken glass bits and ABV right into the carpet, and I only had 2.5 sessions out of it.:cry:

Not sure what I could have done different, has anyone else had this problem? My dry stem fits perfect against the stop, but the GonG never fit well from the start. I got some JoDa coming, but I hate to have lost the Epic GonG like this...
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