
I honestly don't see anything the EVO could offer me (personally) that the nano doesn't deliver in abundance, apart from it maybe being a more cumbersome, ugly unit that would be prone to breaking and using up all your herb quickly.

I respect your opinion, but the EVO can be super efficient as well, and IMO the airflow can't even compare. I love both!


Out to lunch
Gray Area said:
I honestly don't see anything the EVO could offer me (personally) that the nano doesn't deliver in abundance, apart from it maybe being a more cumbersome, ugly unit that would be prone to breaking and using up all your herb quickly.
I use both of these models all the time at home, and the EVO's air flow is a huge difference, to the point where I rarely use the nano with my bubbler anymore, unless it's just for convenience, with the nano's gong more handy at the particular time.

I'm certainly not saying that anyone needs an expensive model like the EVO if they have the nano, but used with a water tool, the nano just approaches the big hits you can achieve with the EVO. It doesn't actually get there. As for prone to breaking, I've had to get a nano replaced- not so with the EVO, and I've been using the VapeXhale unit considerably longer. As for efficiency, that's mostly up to the user. Bigger bowls/bigger hitters always promote bigger hits, but in this case using up your herb more quickly with the EVO can just mean getting very high very quickly. You certainly don't have to waste your herb. And it's even easier with the EVO to start at a low temp and move up the temp range. That said though, I've been using some kind of log vape (or the Vapolution- a log vape without the wood) for going on 10 years. I very much like the direct hits from this type of vape, and the e-nano is the most versatile model I've used. You've got a wider vapor path than the typical log vape (or Vapo), and temp control to boot.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker I'm lookin to buy this. Tell an idiot (that'd be me) EVERYTHING I need to use this and my nano. @Edstnt how much for a WonG? And if I get glass what do I need to get from Andy? I've got a solo too and I know a lot of you lot do so help me please?

Not sure how well that piece will work - a lot of people on the Cheap glass thread have expressed concerns about water splashback into the mouthpiece - that perc is way too close to the top of the can

Gray Area

Well-Known Member
I respect your opinion, but the EVO can be super efficient as well, and IMO the airflow can't even compare. I love both!

I use both of these models all the time at home, and the EVO's air flow is a huge difference, to the point where I rarely use the nano with my bubbler anymore, unless it's just for convenience, with the nano's gong more handy at the particular time.

I'm certainly not saying that anyone needs an expensive model like the EVO if they have the nano, but used with a water tool, the nano just approaches the big hits you can achieve with the EVO. It doesn't actually get there. As for prone to breaking, I've had to get a nano replaced- not so with the EVO, and I've been using the VapeXhale unit considerably longer. As for efficiency, that's mostly up to the user. Bigger bowls/bigger hitters always promote bigger hits, but in this case using up your herb more quickly with the EVO can just mean getting very high very quickly. You certainly don't have to waste your herb. And it's even easier with the EVO to start at a low temp and move up the temp range. That said though, I've been using some kind of log vape (or the Vapolution- a log vape without the wood) for going on 10 years. I very much like the direct hits from this type of vape, and the e-nano is the most versatile model I've used. You've got a wider vapor path than the typical log vape (or Vapo), and temp control to boot.

:rofl:I'm sure you're all right and the EVO is great... I did add the "personally" bit in brackets as I was sure many would disagree. I'm clumsy even though I baby my toys, and would more than likely break my bamboo within a week... I was also being a bit flippant with the herb usage too - I'm very fortunate not to have to ration my consumption at all ;)

As for air-flow, bear in mind I'm coming from using a pre '14 solo with PA as my desktop for the past 12 months... so the nano (again from my perception) feels like I'm sucking through a toilet-roll tube in comparison :D

But, in the interests of diplomacy, accuracy and for the hell of it, I'll re-phrase my post as:

"I have no regrets chosing the E-nano over the EVO"

Peas :peace:


The density of wood varies between species.
So thermal properties are questionable!

I will stay off this tread sorry!

Like you we are just airing opinions/thoughts. No need to be offended. All is good :tup:

Since were sharing opinions...

Yes, wood density will effect heat retention/thermal properties quite a bit. That being said, almost any wood that Andy uses for the Nano will have enough thermal mass to drastically effect how the vaporizer acts. IMO, it really wouldn't matter what wood the Nano is made of (other than maybe Balsa wood or something), preheating the unit is a necessity for optimal operation.

All that said, I've no idea what kind of thermal properties plastic would hold in this regard.... but even if it works just as well... yuck. Fuck plastic.


I'm certainly not saying that anyone needs an expensive model like the EVO if they have the nano, but used with a water tool, the nano just approaches the big hits you can achieve with the EVO. It doesn't actually get there. As for prone to breaking, I've had to get a nano replaced- not so with the EVO, and I've been using the VapeXhale unit considerably longer.

I use both with water tool 95% of the time, and I have a hard time with your assessment. It's nice to hear this from the owner of both, because i'm curious why you think the EVO can produce bigger hits than the Nano? I find I can produce just as big, in fact even thicker hits with my Nano.

What went wrong with your Nano? This is one thing I pride it on is durability, it's like a little's been dropped, abused, knocked over countless times, and it keeps on ticking. Do any of that to the EVO and you're looking at an expensive bamboo repair at the minimum. I can see how a comparison read of the EVO thread and this thread will yield a conclusion that the EVO is prone to breaking. The Nano thread has has an extremely low number of defective/ warrantied Nano's...simply because there isn't really much to go wrong, unlike the EVO.

But, in the interests of diplomacy, accuracy and for the hell of it, I'll re-phrase my post as:

"I have no regrets chosing the E-nano over the EVO"

Peas :peace:

And you shouldn't, you made the right decision, especially after reading about being clumsy. Like I said above, IMO the Nano can pump out clouds and hits equal or bigger than the EVO and can definitely darken the ABV more. However there is an airflow compromise, although I like the Nano's airflow just fine!

Both kick ass vapes...and i'm glad to own both.


Since were sharing opinions...

Yes, wood density will effect heat retention/thermal properties quite a bit. That being said, almost any wood that Andy uses for the Nano will have enough thermal mass to drastically effect how the vaporizer acts. IMO, it really wouldn't matter what wood the Nano is made of (other than maybe Balsa wood or something), preheating the unit is a necessity for optimal operation.

All that said, I've no idea what kind of thermal properties plastic would hold in this regard.... but even if it works just as well... yuck. Fuck plastic.
Your obviously speaking from a recreational Stand point!
There are high tech plastic materials high resistant and strong as wood for 10% of the cost of wood.
I was just expressing the same great function at a lower cost so that medical patients might benefit.
Wood is beautiful and expensive when exotics are used.
Plus they can be labor intensive.
With the right plastic you can achieve the same result.
Expense is not an issue with me.
Looking out for the patient!
Sorry if I struck a nerve.
Cannabis is the HOLY GRAIL not devices!

We have different points of view obviously!
I work with exotics as
art pieces.
To me vaporizers are for medication!
I like the NANO a lot.
The size blows away vaporizers that cost more $.
Pairs with water tools the best!

I was just thinking about 2016 when cannabis prohibition is over!
Next time I have a wake & vake session with GSC I'll make sure to stay off this tread.
Enjoy your day!

@fregglepops D022 for NANO D020 for SOLO.
I use the D020 with the NANO however I add stuff to increase volume.
find what works for yoù?
Last edited:

Vapour Clown

Hey Hey
My nano arrived in the post this morning, perfect for the start of my three day weekend:clap:

My order arrived missing the extra GonG, but I really couldn't give a fuck about that at the moment because I'm here to rave about what a beauty this little guy is:nod:

It's been said many times in here about the size, but you really don't appreciate how little they are until you get one in your hands. Mine is a wicked looking piece of olive wood burl acquired from FC's wood-slinging legend @Snappo

I've had a couple of practice sessions so far and am really impressed at what I've been able to coax from it already as it's steadily getting harder to type as I go along...

*ahem* Pictures




Thank you so much @ACE OF VAPE for your awesome product:clap:
Thank you @Snappo for the beautiful timber:bowdown:
Thank you @ataxian for being you:love: seeing that piece of timber and your posts were the biggest inspiration for me getting a Nano.

@Gray Area, you win dude:tup: At least I live in a country with sunshine:D


Vape outside the box
My nano arrived in the post this morning, perfect for the start of my three day weekend:clap:

My order arrived missing the extra GonG, but I really couldn't give a fuck about that at the moment because I'm here to rave about what a beauty this little guy is:nod:

It's been said many times in here about the size, but you really don't appreciate how little they are until you get one in your hands. Mine is a wicked looking piece of olive wood burl acquired from FC's wood-slinging legend @Snappo

I've had a couple of practice sessions so far and am really impressed at what I've been able to coax from it already as it's steadily getting harder to type as I go along...

*ahem* Pictures




Thank you so much @ACE OF VAPE for your awesome product:clap:
Thank you @Snappo for the beautiful timber:bowdown:
Thank you @ataxian for being you:love: seeing that piece of timber and your posts were the biggest inspiration for me getting a Nano.

@Gray Area, you win dude:tup: At least I live in a country with sunshine:D
Wow, amazing scenery, I should have hand delivered that one!

beach bum

Checked my tracking...c'mon postman!

'twas the night before Nano
And all through the place
A person kept stirring
Psyched for the taste

The postman would come
Tomorrow they say
For now I must dream
Of sweet vapors my way

So I'll lay down my head
And hope for some rest
For come tomorrow
I vape among the best. :rockon:

Ok, not saying there is ANY best vape. Just excited art is headed my way.



Checked my tracking...c'mon postman!

'twas the night before Nano
And all through the place
A person kept stirring
Psyched for the taste

The postman would come
Tomorrow they say
For now I must dream
Of sweet vapors my way

So I'll lay down my head
And hope for some rest
For come tomorrow
I vape among the best. :rockon:

Ok, not saying there is ANY best vape. Just excited art is headed my way.


USPS delivering tomorrow with the holiday weekend and all?


Well-Known Member
excalibunny this is a collegiate congregation. Friendly as all get out but we want to know what you know. 300 plus pages of what we know. Now is the time for you to be heard.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Just ordered mine. $15 shipping so I hope it doesn't take too long to arrive. Really excited. Any tips or quick tutorials I can read?

Welcome to the club! Wise choice!

Check the EpicVape website, I believe there was a bunch of useful information added to a FAQ recently, mostly written by a fellow member of this thread
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