Yep you got to find your sweet spot with the adjust-a-bowls, and I find it's different for the direct draw stem compared to the gongs as well. A little heat sinking goes a long way.
It's terrific when you get it right.
So funny.... was just hitting my nano dry with joda stem, and thought about asking how many use it dry more often. Rarely do that myself except in special situations like tasting a new stash, or out & about. Here's
@jimbob talking about it and a newb nano-er right behind him! First time I've sat and played with it for a while. It does bring out the flavor! Even managed to get one of those bingo! hits. Very nice.
So just for shits & giggles, how many people hit their nano dry at least as much as through water?
Myself, I'm thinking I should do this more often.
Hi all,
a question regarding vaped material, is it worth putting it into edibles? I have been saving it in one of the cloth bags that was shipped with the PD, and now got quite a bit to hand, it seems a shame to just throw it away.
If people put it in edibles, what do you suggest putting it in?
my grind is quite fine and very powdery and full of very small bits of leaf etc, so not two sure how easy it would be to siv out if removal of remains is suggested before cooking.
I have never done anything with edibles myself before, but I know someone who can help with baking etc.
are there any alternative uses I might not have thought of?
You should check out some of the threads in the cooking with cannabis section. Plenty of good info as always on FC.
I like making butter. Check out this tutorial featuring Samuel L. Jackson (sorry not a vid). Funny as shit and good solid info.
I try to throw at least one third of fresh stuff in there. Usually nothing special, just dregs from tins & baggies, leftovers and maybe a bud or 2. More fresh = not as dopey. It seems to take some of the heavy body stone you get from just abv. Needless to say, if you can get your hands on bud-trim - throw that shit in there!
Not sure how to handle fine grind duff with other methods, but butter makes is easy. There's a trick I read about (probably on FC

After you boil your butter & abv, you throw it in the fridge overnight instead of dealing with the whole strainer/cheesecloth mess. Before it cools too much dump it through a strainer into a pyrex casserole dish. Doesn't have to be a really fine strainer - one of those 6" screen with plastic handle dollar store things will do OK. I like to use a gold coffee filter to strain a little more. Use a wooden spoon to squeeze out what you can. If you're only using abv dust (was ground or is old), or fine grinding like SLJ, you could probably get away with no straining.
Let it cool off a bit and stick it in the fridge. By morning, the weed fairies should have stopped by and left you with the most lovely green soft butter floating on top of some nasty looking water. All of the milk solids from the butter, all the impurities and all your saturated duff will fall to the bottom into the water. Use a butter knife -

- to loosen from sides and pull off as big of chunks as you can with a spatula. Set them on a few pieces of paper towel for a minute or 2 to soak up the excess water. You'll end up with a few smaller pieces or globs that sink when you're messing with it. Grab them too! Just dry them a little.
You now have clarified butter (or ghee in Asia), so it is much better butter IMO than you started with besides it being that lovely sea-green. Don't think you even have to refrigerate it, but I do. Use the butter to make cookies or brownies. Put it on pasta. Possibilities are endless! For a quick dose, I like to spread some on a toasted bagel. Good stuff!
Just be careful. It's hard to judge what final product will be, and easy to overdo it! I do a bagel test to determine potency before making anything. Adjust the recipe as necessary.
Don't forget to check out the FC cookbook -