thoroughly vaped
Had an idea ...waddya think?Cord V3? Did a little copy/paste in Photoshop.
Great photoshop work, but think I'll pass! Have a couple small cables with these on them and IME they suck functionally. You'd think I'd stop buying them after 2 were pieces of crap, but I have at least 4! You know what Forrest's mom says... stupid is as stupid does!
On cord V2, I kind of get it. Would be nice to have detachable as much as I take mine out. But, have my things set up for the new longer cord and works great for me. Even scrounged up a little 2 sided zip case so nano goes on one side, and cord/dimmer on the other. If the V1.1 cord holds up for a couple years of regular use, I'd have no issue with replacing for $20 as needed.