
Well-Known Member
New video uploading as we speak, 3 x GonGs of Gringo kief one hitters and 1 x GonG of nice stable QWISO oil, starring my LW bubbler and featuring the Gspot steamroller :D (unfortunately the steamroller is largely covered by my hand, but you can see the gong connection clearly and the clouds are great)!


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Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
E-Nano - setting @ 6.5 - very tiny pinch load - no pack. Just to show the variable vapor output control one has - you can hit it super light, super thick, and everywhere in between.

View My Video (turn your audio up)

Setting @ 8 - very small pinch load - no pack/loose.

View My Video (turn your audio up)

Water for big white-wall inhalation hits - Stems for sips - J-Hooks or dry bubbler for everything in between. Performance Factors: herb/temp/load size/pack/water/dry/distance from heater tip - Learning curve is nil - just dial in the performance & effect desired per combined performance factors.

The D020 is the perfect size & performance match for me and my Nano. A bigger can would strain my inhale. The D020 pulls super easy and smooth, and clears away with just a hair's breath! All slits perc strongly with the merest of draw effort!

E-Nano is amazingly efficient! ABV is even and a nice golden brown! Great intense flavor - convection! No popcorn.
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Volute of Vapor
Any news from Ed's Tnt about his famous stems and WonGs, he might makes something for us....another breaking Gong ....and since I live in EU I'm hesitating between make a stock of glass stems and GonG or wait for Ed's artwork....

Please Ed saves our nerves and money, I would like to be stone...quiet.... and not afraid to break something all the time


Well-Known Member
I figured I should go through how I did my last vid.

I had already smoked 9 joints of flower/oil over the last few hours whilst out with friends (damn not having a good stealthy OTG vape!), so these hits were a night cap before bed, I was already pretty out there!

I hit the first 2 GonGs of kief through water at 7. Hit the 3rd kief GonG dry at 7 through the steamroller. About .005g of kief per GonG. Then I hit the QWISO oil in the dry pipe at some point between 7-10 while I was heating up the unit. Then did the dab through water at 10.

Unfortunately, the dab ran out the side of the SS capsule a little, hence not quite so thick cloudage from the oil. I can't stress enough how nice this QWISO oil tastes. The dry hit was delicious! It is seriously palatable, and was made with some pretty average (albeit good tasting) green! It's all in the length of the wash and the thoroughness of evaporation people! :D

Still, I woke up this morning still vaked. Concentrates are brilliant!

By the way: @Snappo there is some variation in how hot each setting is between each individual Nano, but I can't do even the primest flowers on setting 8 without charring the top of the herb a bit, giving a slight popcorn taste and making any concentrate I make with the resultant AVB taste bad. Do you find this happening at all? By the way, if anyone makes concentrates or cooks with their AVB, make sure you are not charring your herb at all!

I do a maximum of 6.6 for flowers, 7.1 for kief, and the full 10 for oils. I find these provide the best taste and mid brown AVB with no charring/scorching :D

Given that everyone's unit is hand-made, there will be slight variation between which setting will be the best maximum for different kinds of herb/concentrates. However, taking care not to combust even a little bit will reap it's rewards later :D
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Caveat Emptor - "A Billion People Can Be Wrong!"
Accessory Maker
By the way: @Snappo there is some variation in how hot each setting is between each individual Nano, but I can't do even the primest flowers on setting 8 without charring the top of the herb a bit, giving a slight popcorn taste and making any concentrate I make with the resultant AVB taste bad. Do you find this happening at all?
@herbivore21 - I'm not so sure about your suggestion that individual Nano's vary to any appreciable degree in temp setting from one unit to another. The only major physical difference between them would be wood density and its ability to retain heat, although the wood shouldn't have bearing on the heating core as that is amply insulated by the satin metal can surrounding it. But then again, I'm not knowledgeable in the least about electrical components and thermal properties, so I am just contemplating your posit with mere guess work. I have found in my new relationship with the exotic wave that herb, load size, pack, and dial, are the variables most likely to change the most from one session to another, and more-so true from person to person employing their respective recipes for success. The electrical components and their prescribed output, I tend to think, should be pretty uniform and constant from one to the next as they come off the assembly line.

Yes, I did combust: my very first AND ONLY time, I filled the bowl too high forgetting the need to adjust the rod tip distance from the top of the load - rod & herb got too close for comfort. The dial was set @ 10, and it didn't start to combust until near the end of my draw. That little lesson taught me well. I have adjusted accordingly.

I need to learn how to upload to youtube, anonymously, from my cell. Been having major trouble connecting phone to PC with USB. PC recognized the cell last week, but doesn't anymore - something must've gotten corrupted. Was on the phone with Verizon & Samsung for a few hours this a.m. to no avail. The vids above were first uploaded to Vimeo, then downloaded to PC, then uploaded again to Tinypic.com. What a merry-go-round that is for every vid to post. Would be most appreciative for tips! Thanks, all!
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All my days in a daze...
New video uploading as we speak, 3 x GonGs of Gringo kief one hitters and 1 x GonG of nice stable QWISO oil, starring my LW bubbler and featuring the Gspot steamroller :D (unfortunately the steamroller is largely covered by my hand, but you can see the gong connection clearly and the clouds are great)!


Fucking awesome, bro. :clap: You're kicking ass and taking names, except you cant write cause you're too fucked up :D

Loved it. Oi Oi Oi! lol :brow:

btw, I haven't been around much cause I am still kinda whacked in the head at the moment.
Switching anti-depressant after taking same one for over two decades. My mind is in full revolt.
hard to care about much. but today I made a post! So that's progress lol :mental:

take care my e-nano family :)

Durp Durp Purp


Well-Known Member
Fucking awesome, bro. :clap: You're kicking ass and taking names, except you cant write cause you're too fucked up :D

Loved it. Oi Oi Oi! lol :brow:

btw, I haven't been around much cause I am still kinda whacked in the head at the moment.
Switching anti-depressant after taking same one for over two decades. My mind is in full revolt.
hard to care about much. but today I made a post! So that's progress lol :mental:

take care my e-nano family :)

Durp Durp Purp
haha man you're not wrong about the too fucked up to write! My post count is way down lately since experimenting with oils and this ridiculously nice new strain we got out here!

Just did a Kief/QWISO 'dough ball', made by stirring QWISO with some thick crystalline Gringo trichomes until you get a thick play-dough like ball. Wish I took a photo, but I'm sure I'll whip up another of these! White walled my bubbler 9 times before it got wispy! :D

Hang in there @canj00digit? ; these are serious meds with serious withdrawals/discontinuation syndromes, adjustments between one and another are hard on even the toughest of us!

IME, I would suggest finding and using as much of a good indica strain to ride out the nasty symptoms of the change as time commitments and other considerations allow :)

We need a purp video soon methinks :p

All the best mate!

Fuzzy Toaster

New Member
Alright so I'm gonna be ordering one of these bad boys for my first vape. I'll be hitting it wacky soberly dry so a few questions: any types of wood I should look for or avoid due to durability or back ordering? Should I get an all glass stem or the adjustable with basket screens? And I had heard there's a discount code for FC members so I wondering what that is and what it entitles me to. Thanks for the help guys, looking forward to leaving my smoking days behind me when this baby arrives


Alright so I'm gonna be ordering one of these bad boys for my first vape. I'll be hitting it wacky soberly dry so a few questions: any types of wood I should look for or avoid due to durability or back ordering? Should I get an all glass stem or the adjustable with basket screens? And I had heard there's a discount code for FC members so I wondering what that is and what it entitles me to. Thanks for the help guys, looking forward to leaving my smoking days behind me when this baby arrives

Not up to date on what EV has in stock for wood but it should say on his website.

Get the new "adjust-a-bowl" thick glass stem. It comes with one basket screen but its never a bad idea to get extras with your order.

I believe the discount code for 10% off of your order is "FCLOVE".

Also you may want to consider getting a cheap bubbler like one of $30 DHGate D0 units and a Nano gong. IMO pairing the Nano with a water tool is a game changer. Not that it doesnt do dry very well, right @Vitolo?

@ACE OF VAPE any progress on making that glass frit screen for concentrates?


Vape Enthusiast
Just out of curiosity, what do you guys store your stems in when not in use?
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