I figured I should go through how I did my last vid.
I had already smoked 9 joints of flower/oil over the last few hours whilst out with friends (damn not having a good stealthy OTG vape!), so these hits were a night cap before bed, I was already pretty out there!
I hit the first 2 GonGs of kief through water at 7. Hit the 3rd kief GonG dry at 7 through the steamroller. About .005g of kief per GonG. Then I hit the QWISO oil in the dry pipe at some point between 7-10 while I was heating up the unit. Then did the dab through water at 10.
Unfortunately, the dab ran out the side of the SS capsule a little, hence not quite so thick cloudage from the oil. I can't stress enough how nice this QWISO oil tastes. The dry hit was delicious! It is seriously palatable, and was made with some pretty average (albeit good tasting) green! It's all in the length of the wash and the thoroughness of evaporation people!
Still, I woke up this morning still vaked. Concentrates are brilliant!
By the way:
@Snappo there is some variation in how hot each setting is between each individual Nano, but I can't do even the primest flowers on setting 8 without charring the top of the herb a bit, giving a slight popcorn taste and making any concentrate I make with the resultant AVB taste bad. Do you find this happening at all? By the way, if anyone makes concentrates or cooks with their AVB, make sure you are not charring your herb at all!
I do a maximum of 6.6 for flowers, 7.1 for kief, and the full 10 for oils. I find these provide the best taste and mid brown AVB with no charring/scorching
Given that everyone's unit is hand-made, there will be slight variation between which setting will be the best maximum for different kinds of herb/concentrates. However, taking care not to combust even a little bit will reap it's rewards later