Companies?I also had issues communicating with Andy. However, the product is so damn good that you just have to get past whatever negatives may occur until you have one in your hands. Quite simply the product is amazing. It has to be close to the best vaporizer available. Sure you can get an Evo or a Herbie but they are a lot more expensive. I was infuriated with my initial dealings with Epicvape. I honestly wanted to receive it and film myself destroying the unit with a sledgehammer. I copped a lot of shit here for complaining as well. One prick even made a comment about 'loving America'. Fuck me. Honestly it was a terrible experience at the time. However, after trying it though I kind of felt like I was telling Picasso to hurry the fuck up and finish me a paintingSince receiving my E-Nano I have barely touched any of my other units and am definitely conspiring to get another.
People behind them?
The product is reasonable.
People are flawed and when their perfect we hang them on a tree!