$28 is nothing?That's what the cloud buddy is for ! You simply pull the stopper off to clear it leaving the enano and gong on the piece.
Are you joking?
Hot tip on the $28 Bubbler that works well?
I'm out of here!
$28 is nothing?That's what the cloud buddy is for ! You simply pull the stopper off to clear it leaving the enano and gong on the piece.
That's what the cloud buddy is for ! You simply pull the stopper off to clear it leaving the enano and gong on the piece.
My question for you guys, do you still need to pull the e-nano between hits when using with a cloudbuddy to keep it from roasting the bowl?
What bubbler is that tweak ?
I find the Solo isn't the greatest to use with more yhan 1 person. I plan to use the E Nano dry.
Can't speak for with the cloudbuddy itself, but I can leave mine on with just the stem. Have two glass pieces I often do this with. Doesn't roast immediately, but does build up heat. I usually leave it on between hits - minute or two at most at a time. I leave it on a bit longer sometimes just to build up the extra heat to squeeze that last bit out of a tube. Gives a little more heat without having to touch the dial. I wouldn't leave it on for more than 3 or 4 minutes, though. Assume it would be the same with a cloudbuddy/cloudpal because the element is going to be the same distance on one of those (or anything else).
Even tho I don't use a cloudbuddy/cloudpal I do use a 18mm m>f adapter, so that's in the equation. Allows easy clearing without finger burning and to me is cheaper/easier than using cloudbuddy/cloudpal. Lift the whole thing by the adapter (nano, nano gong & adapter connected) to clear, set it back down, repeat for a few hits. When vapor gets really thin, give the whole thing a good shake (or just stir the load), let it sit for a few minutes and get that last hit out. Not as tasty, but seems to be as efficient.
YMMV... Mine acts different with this with different strains/dryness/grind/etc., and not all nano gongs are exactly the same. Some a little longer than others. From pics I've seen, I'd say my two are about average. One just a tad longer than the other, but no real difference from one to the other while leaving it on.
Not sure about your other glass, but Lev's heavy glass won't budge with nano on the GonG. You know what's best for you - but I'd strongly suggest you pick a nano up. It is an AWESOME vape!!
@Tweak... Excellent vid!!!! Trying to hold off on picking that bubbler up, but that sure bumped my GAS into high gear.
Question to E Nano fans-
Is this VAPE a one person VAPE? How big is the bowl compared to the Solo stem bowls? I find the Solo isn't the greatest to use with more yhan 1 person. I plan to use the E Nano dry.
Thank you for your advice!
Should I indulge?? I really enjoy my Solo! Swayy me towards the Nano!
Question to E Nano fans-
Is this VAPE a one person VAPE? How big is the bowl compared to the Solo stem bowls? I find the Solo isn't the greatest to use with more yhan 1 person. I plan to use the E Nano dry.
Thank you for your advice!
Should I indulge?? I really enjoy my Solo! Swayy me towards the Nano!
It was a Local Smoke Shop overpriced ASH CATCHER.Bummer, ataxian! Looks like one of those cheap Chinese ashcatchers tho, so hopefully not too bad of a loss.
I'd call the nano a 2 person vape - 3 at most comfortably. You could definitely use it with more, but everyone will probably need to be a little patient. I've used mine with up to 5. The way I got it to work was to grind some up and leave it in small dish. Load it pretty light (2 hits or so). Let someone do them. Blow out the duff, and suck another small load into the tube. Dry definitely the way to go here, too. Think the bubbler would have just made it worse.
Should you get one? HELL YEAH!! I can't see the solo being much easier to work with with more than 2 - 3 people, either. Really, if you want to keep that party going (especially with usual combusters), you're going to have to start filling bags. My EQ would do OK, the Volcano even better of course. I don't know of any other way to have more than a few partying from the same vaporizer. Even a da buddah, Silver Surfer or my old box vape isn't too easy in spite of the fact you can put a bunch of material in it. You still have to stir a good bit (more loaded up = more stirring), and you'll lose some tasty hits with a big load.
But, benefits in that situation are that the nano is quick to warm, keeps up temp, and virtually foolproof. Just get it hot, load the tube, take a hit. So IMO about as good as it gets without a bag for a small crowd.
My new glass piece is BONAZA!Moved from whole to ground bud. Flavor country? Try cloud city! Lando has nothing on me!
Finally got my organic cotton already have the gong loaded... Almost time to blastoff
The amount I got from this tiny piece is astounding.. After using the enano for so long I could honestly say without a doubt I could get rid of all my other vaporizers and still be extremely satisfied with the 'nano! Is there magic is this thing![]()
Grrrrr.....broke my one and only mouthpiece stem! Is Andy the only source of these? Need to get one shipped stat!