Nice! I just was thinking I should log all my usage, to determine what works best.
I think there is no one best way though, it really depends on what you want, you got a choice! I'm thinking there are a few variables, I'm terrible at math but maybe we could develop a formula, containing the variables, like screen to heater distance, load volume and height, load distance to heater, fine grind/whole bud, time on/heatsoaking etc...I really would like to do some real somehwat scientifical tests/experiments

Most definitely will once we go legal here. Then hopefully I could get some quality Flowers of a consistent Phenotype. Of course there's variation but within a frame, good enough. That's the worst about Prohibition. Imagine alcohol being illegal, it'd be like people going to some dude and buying "1 Liter of Acoholic Beverage", could be gin, whiskey, beer...Ahh I'm ramblin' again..
I've observed a few things using the nano now for a few days.
Seems like if you want only a few hits, 2-4/5, turn the heat higher rather than lower, and only a little space of air between load and heater. Then some moderately fast draw speed, so more like ripping a b-load, but not extreme, more than the tea sippin' style. also draw for several seconds, basically calligulas two hit extraction (but for someone with lungs probably half of what his are it's more like 3-4 hits haha). That's it, ya done! Quick and easy.
Or use a lower temp, about 9mm distance to the heater and sipping draws, you get more hits, I never get more than, I would say, about 10. But I'm still a beginner and it may be due to that.
But I think the nano is more the no-BS extractor-master / Interior Decoration Masterpiece, rather than a long sipper. For something like that, I would use my Arizer Solo, I could sip on that for over ten minutes, for me this would be good to use during a movie, or series.
I use the Nano more inbetween games, or when I just want to medicate and not fuck around forever (or what appears like forever
Also interesting, I never thought of polishing my nano, just using butter/oil so that it doesn't crack. I'll need to make a habit of that.
It almost sounds dirty, especially in Spanish : "Polaco mi e-nano"
I don't speak spanish (Yo hablo espanol como un burro

) but one of the words I learnt because I was looking for e-nano vids on youtube, was enano - which means dwarf appearantly
Well, I had 1 of 3 exams today, when studying all day it's nice to vape on the nano and listen to some tunes in the evening.
Just remembered an old record I bought, not everyones thing but I think it's totally chill, the kind of music our ancestors might've made while using some herbal remedies
Happy vaping!