
Hey guys, i will order the Nano next week to my friends house in SF who will import it private to Germany for me.. So what do you guys think i need the most, by ordering ONE time ? How many stems do i need (think they break very easily) And what do you prefer, fixed screens or adjustable ones ? I think i mostly use it with the fc 187 bubbler.. Please remember, i can only order one time :tup:
Thanks for your help guys :)


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, i will order the Nano next week to my friends house in SF who will import it private to Germany for me.. So what do you guys think i need the most, by ordering ONE time ? How many stems do i need (think they break very easily) And what do you prefer, fixed screens or adjustable ones ? I think i mostly use it with the fc 187 bubbler.. Please remember, i can only order one time :tup:
Thanks for your help guys :)

I'd get a couple adjustable gongs. Definitely 18mm for the 187, but you might also consider a pair of 14s in case you pick up some new glass down the road. I like the adjustables because they're cheaper and you can put the screen at whatever depth you like.

I'd also get a stand. Discounted with nano purchase and it'll keep your nano nice and stable.

I never use a dry stem so I personally wouldn't bother with a spare, but if you plan to use it then it's probably a good idea.

I'd also get some spare basket screens.

Other non-epicvape items to consider:
-Arizer EQ dome screens to put in the male end of your 18mm gongs. Keeps glass clean. You can get these to fit 14mm gongs too, but I've only seen them in that size via the @DDave kits.
-Scoop-n-stir tool. Makes stirring between hits super easy.


thoroughly vaped
Generally, just enough to have a space. Of course there is some personal preference here. You can raise/lower to your desired level of heat, in addition to adjusting your dial.

I want to add, many times I have lifted the nano off my gong and a piece of herb got too close and actually stuck to the heater grid. Even under that level of contact the herb did not char or burn. This was at a level of 6.5 to 7. That ended my concerns about the heater touching my herb and burning it.

Thank you,

I like fuck


I sometimes load a bit too much and have it hit the load, also. Not really a problem if your heat isn't too high or you're not overloaded so much that it compresses enough for restricted draw as @CarolKing mentions. But, as soon as you see any crumbs on heater screen - usually after first hit - blow or knock them off (ePik works well for this) while being careful with your screen. IME they will sometimes start to roast a little on the second or third hit. Depends on your temp and your particular load (and a few other things I'm sure), but I hate screwing up those second and third hits when they are usually the best clouds for me.

I'm thinking of picking up an aromatherapy dish for the nano, just for giggles honestly. Anyone have any good recommendations for what to use in it? I don't see it oft talked about.

Really up to you. If you have a crystal/hippy shop around they usually have 50 or more essential oils that work just fine. And, many little shops like this have cards telling you which aromatherapy scents are likely to enhance different moods and whatnot. I'm a partial believer in all that, and usually stick with the scents the girlfriend prefers if going for the "aromatherapy" aspect.

You can also find cheap oils on Amazon. And, more info than you'll know what to do with about aromatherapy on the web.

Or, you can just go for smell. I kind of like a patchouli with orange or lemon citrus mix, but have others I'll use. Lemongrass is nice, and minty ones or lavender are nice scents that don't usually smell like you just sprayed air freshener. I think frankincense (and I'm sure others) are good at masking the smell of weed. So, think using nano aroma dish could be real handy if that's a concern for you. Just do a few loads, then switch to aroma-dish.

You don't really need much oil unless you're using it everyday, I guess. And, all oils are not created equal quality/smell wise. I try to buy the smallest bottles I can, and only have a couple that I like so much I've bought larger vials of later.

On vapes, especially nano, I find mixing about 1/2 with water works best. Just put your thumb over it and shake before dropping on the nano. Add water as necessary. It will usually evaporate faster than the essential oils.

It took me a little more practice than to learn how to vape with nano, but different temps can be used for weaker/stronger aroma. I like to put mine around 5, which just kind of releases it into the room. Girlfriend likes to put it up around 9 for full aromatherapy experience.

I usually only use mine if I'm cleaning the house or feel like I need it (like after cooking fish or something that leaves a scent, or a wet dog running in and out). Girlfriend, and I think some others on here, use it like a proper aromatherapy device. She'll put lavender in hers for a few hours if she has had a stressful day, or eucalyptus if she feels like she needs more energy, etc, etc. That stuff seems to affect her more than me, but I'm not a true believer.


taste buds

I would recommend at least 3 adjustable stems and 3 gongs, and a lot of basket screens. You won't go through screens very fast, but since you can only purchase this one time it makes sense to stock up.

I also recommend an extra power cord. Besides a backup it can be useful if you wish to use the E-Nano in multiple locations in your house. Just leave a cord in each room and move the nano around as needed.

I'm going to go against the grain and recommend 14mm gongs with a 18-14mm reducer for your bubbler. Reducers are cheap and widely available. With this setup you can use your gongs with most water tools and you have no need to buy both sizes of gongs.


Authorized Buyer
About how much space should there be between the top of the bowl and the heating element?

It depends on a various factors--where the dial is setup, how moist the material is, draw strength...

What I do now is load it up, then when placing the stem/gong, lifting it up slightly off the heater as I draw. With a stem, you can pretend your playing trombone! Waaah wahhh waaah....
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Member, Known Well
After reading @syrupy's post I took a few hits of Mango Haze and payed attention. He's spot on, I also tend to move the stem back and forth depending on the load. I also rotate it around as I take a hit to get an even "burn" on my material.

The e-pic is your best guide for how much to load, but you'll get the hang of it with experience. I haven't used my e-pic for measuring load in over two years.


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
I personally have had pretty good luck with the aroma dish but you need to be careful with anything sitting on top of the heater that could spill. I use several different scented oils and I use a few drops of water with that. That was suggested by where I buy my oil. I have melon, pear, vanilla sugar and grapefruit. When the oil gets hot it will pop and burn. Some folks have suggested wax also along with the scented oil.

You need to have have your cannabis very loose in the bowl. No pack. You need good air flow.
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Well-Known Member
That's some interesting feedback I haven't heard before. What makes you say that? From bubbling?
it does not fit tightly so it rocks back and forth a little plus it is small in volume. Doesn't take much of a jostle to make it spill. I found myself spilling it taking it on and off and just said fuck it this is not worth it. The SSV has a great aromatop compared


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
You're not suppose to fill very much of the oil and water. A little bit is all you need. It would do damage if it fell into the heater. You would have to send it in for a thorough cleaning from Andy, if that were the case. You be the judge if you feel it's a risk that you do or don't want to deal with.

I use a few drops of oil and a little more of the water. It's filled probably a 1/4 or 1/3 full is all.
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Just wanted to say that Ive been solely using my nano for the last month straight, have a mighty, haze v3, air and vapcap just sitting here, the nano is just too easy
I use my NANO everyday.
My waterpipes I have to mix up. (plus excuse to make them sparkle)

It is easy to use!

24/7 + 6.25 = CIVILIZED (HAWAIIAN SWEET SKUNK not bad)


Saw the new STAR TRACK MOVIE (very amazing)!
NANO helps with the effects! (GAMECHANGER before) kind of gave me the munchies?


Thanks @flotntoke. I've kept my eye on that thread. Payoff sounds real good and I've been tempted. Just not psyched about the tuning-it-in profile. I admit I'm spoiled. Zero tune-in issues for me with the nano. :tup:
I only smoked JOINTS when I was a young gun like you.
For the $ the SOLO is a work horse.
NANO works really amazing as well!

Wood is a waste of $.

We have materials that cost less that are more suited to make a vaporizer.
The NANO has a very efficient heater!


thoroughly vaped
Thanks! Another question: how tightly should I pack my loads? Loose or tight?

Man, I admire your tenacity and inquisitiveness, but you do READ the thread too, right? And, you know about the search function and how to use it? All good. It's probably a good thing to come on and ask simple questions so other new nanoers can see the answers, but this one is discussed every 4 or 5 pages.

Thanks @flotntoke. I've kept my eye on that thread. Payoff sounds real good and I've been tempted. Just not psyched about the tuning-it-in profile. I admit I'm spoiled. Zero tune-in issues for me with the nano. :tup:

I hear you there, brother. A couple other things to keep in mind, too. It's not as miserly with your stash as nano and IMO it doesn't deliver as well - taste or effects. But, it's the closest I've found without a cord. If I could only have one - it would of course be the nano. But, sometimes I like to get lifted more than 6' away from a plug in the wall.


Well-Known Member
So my e-nano got some more use this weekend. Thanks to the tips and cheerleading from this forum, I'm (slowly) starting to get the hang of it. I'm getting used to the lack of convenience issues I talked about earlier: between my pockets and two hands, I can carry everything pretty easily into and out of the storage space. Those things are more or less a non-issue for me now.

Even my wife is starting to get used to it! She doesn't mind snuggling up next to me to take her two or three small hits (we actually like each other!). And she definitely appreciates the big bump in flavor.

I still think it's fair to say the Arizer Air wins on convenience, as it really is a turn-key product. But with that convenience comes a loss in flexibility. You can adjust temperature, and that's about it. The rest of the variables are minimally adjustable, if at all. So with a log-style vape, you give up some convenience in exchange for far greater flexibility in terms of matching the product to your particular vaping style. I.e., temperature is obviously adjustable, but so is load size (to a greater degree than the Air), draw speed (Air has an upper limit to how fast you can draw), distance to heater, and presumably better suited for bubblers (you can use an Air with a water device, but I'm assuming the restricted draw speed makes it a lesser experience than the same with a log-style vape). And it's no contest when it comes to flavor; I assume that's due to the pure convection mechanism.

At least that's how I'm looking at it, so for now am focusing on "mastering" the actual vape experience to really get the most out of the e-nano. And it's a fun process, as I like to tinker. It's just slow going given how moderate I am in terms of usage.

However, I did accidentally combust. Our couch is a few feet from the wall with the closest AC outlet, meaning I only have about a foot of slack on the cable (and the reason why my wife has to move over next to me to use it). Well, somewhere along the way I pulled the cord in such a way that the rotary temp dial must have dragged along the couch, bumping it up to eight! Combustion is the anti-flavor, even the e-nano can't fix that!

I dabble in electronics as a hobby, so I was trying to think of ways I might improve on this situation. Hopefully this doesn't ruffle any feathers to say in this thread, but in hindsight I feel like the 12V DC used by the Underdog and Heat Island might offer a little more in terms of flexibility. At least as an electrical hobbyist, I'd rather work with low current 12VDC than mains voltages! But anyway, one simple poor man's hack to the accidental dial adjustment problem is to just use tape. But over time that would likely result in gummy adhesive residue all over the dial.

Does anyone know what kind of dial the e-nano is using? I was thinking if that could be replicated in a standalone box, it might be more convenient for some (well, me at least). I'm thinking it would be nice to have something like the Voltage Keeper or VVPS that people are using for the DC-powered log vapes. I'd have one cord going from the outlet to the box, and another cord going from the box to the e-nano. So what's in the box? I haven't figured that out yet. :) A variac transformer would be sweet, albeit expensive.

The other problem is that mains voltages fluctuate. Does the e-nano have any kind of regulation circuitry? If it's super simple, like a light bulb, then my "6" is not the same as your "6". And in fact, my "6" could vary depending on what outlet I use (empty circuit or shared with something like a fridge), or even time of day (typically higher at night).

So I envision something akin to the Voltage Keeper, but for 120V AC: a standalone box (heavy enough to stay in place even when the cord is moved); a nice heavy-duty dial for voltage adjustments; a digital readout telling you what voltage is going out to the e-nano; maybe another digital readout telling incoming voltage from the wall; and maybe a way to set the minimum and maximum values.
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