Well-Known Member
So other than great taste, reliability, good clouds, good build, infinite power you find it to be somewhat allot of effort to use and maintain?
Well, when you put it that way... pretty much, yeah. (Where's the "embarrassed" emoji?)
May I refer you a ..... I am not sure what you.
Well, I'm not sure exactly what your looking for
I'm not really looking for anything in particular. Was hoping maybe there's folks out there like me with a similar use-case that have figured out ways to get the best of both worlds, i.e. all the well-established good points about a log-style vape, along with ways to mitigate some of the convenience aspects. That, and or maybe a little cheer-leading encouraging me to stick with it.
Comparing the two is not often done because you're comparing apples to oranges. A portable to a plug-in.
Right, no argument there! That was a big part of the VAS in the first place: I've had an apple, now I want to see what an orange tastes like. I really like the taste of the orange, but am annoyed that I have to peel it.

With either vape, if you are getting harsh hits that hurt your throat then look at adding a small bubbler to your vape. Vaping through water helps the most with that issue and I love it.
Any particular recommendations, knowing I favor simple and convenient? The D020-D from DHGate seems to be quite popular (and fairly cheap). Anything smaller/simpler but similarly good?